Icinga/Nagios service check script using graphite data
Script based on the work done by disqus and wikimedia
$ ./check_graphite -h
usage: check_graphite [-h] [-U URL] [-T TIMEOUT]
Controller for the graphite fetching plugin. You can build a few different
type of checks, both traditional nagios checks and anomaly detection ones.
Examples: Check if a metric exceeds a certain value 10 times in the last 20
minutes: ./check_graphite --url http://some-graphite-host check_threshold
my.beloved.metric --from -20minutes --threshold 100 --over -C 10 -W 5 Check if
a metric has exceeded its holt-winters confidence bands 5% of the times over
the last 500 checks ./check_graphyte.py --url http://some-graphite-host
check_anomaly my.beloved.metric --check_window 500 -C 5 -W 1
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-U URL, --url URL Url of the graphite server
Timeout on the graphite call (defaults to 10)
use with --help for additional help
check_threshold Checks if the metric exceeds the desired threshold
Checks a series of metrics to see if they individually
are within acceptable thresholds
check_anomaly Checks if the metric is out of the forecasted bounds
for a number of times in the last iterations
$ ./check_graphite check_threshold -h
usage: check_graphite check_threshold [-h] [-C CRIT] [-W WARN] [--from _FROM]
[--over] [--under] [--perc PERCENTAGE]
positional arguments:
METRIC the metric to fetch from graphite
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-C CRIT, --critical CRIT
Threshold for critical alert (integer)
-W WARN, --warning WARN
Threshold for warning (integer)
--from _FROM When to fetch the metric from (date or "-1d")
--over If alarms should happen when we exceed the threshold
--under If alarms should happen when we are below the
--perc PERCENTAGE Number of datapoints above or below threshold that
will raise the alarm
$ ./check_graphite check_series_threshold -h
usage: check_graphite check_series_threshold [-h] [-C CRIT] [-W WARN]
[--from _FROM] [--over] [--under]
positional arguments:
METRIC the metric to fetch from graphite
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-C CRIT, --critical CRIT
Threshold for critical alert (integer)
-W WARN, --warning WARN
Threshold for warning (integer)
--from _FROM When to fetch the metric from (date or "-1d")
--over If alarms should happen when we exceed the threshold
--under If alarms should happen when we are below the
--perc PERCENTAGE Number of datapoints above or below threshold that
will raise the alarm
$ ./check_graphite check_anomaly -h
usage: check_graphite check_anomaly [-h] [-C CRIT] [-W WARN]
[--check_window CHECK_WINDOW]
[--delta DELTA] [--over] [--under]
positional arguments:
METRIC the metric to fetch from graphite
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-C CRIT, --critical CRIT
Threshold for critical alert (integer)
-W WARN, --warning WARN
Threshold for warning (integer)
--check_window CHECK_WINDOW
How many datapoints to consider in the anomaly
detection sampling (we will still require 1w of data)
--delta DELTA Holt-Winters delta
--over If alarms should happen when we are above normal
--under If alarms should happen when we are below normal