Android Capture App for DHIS 2 (v3.1.1)
Release notes - Android App for DHIS2 - 3.1.1
ANDROAPP-5888 RTSM - Stock distribution allows entry of zero values
ANDROAPP-6108 [mobile-ui] Bottom sheet Icon button is displaced
ANDROAPP-6220 Login error - Fragmentation has been destroyed
ANDROAPP-6281 Formatting of org unit selector buttons over android navigation bar
ANDROAPP-6282 Misalignment of TEI list and dashboard cards
ANDROAPP-6317 App not scrolling to the top of the list after selecting or deselecting working list
ANDROAPP-6354 [LineListing] search by org unit or category no working
ANDROAPP-6394 Conflict message - Change future date message when no future date was entered
ANDROAPP-6418 [Data Sets] Values are not shown after saving them
ANDROAPP-6440 Maps view pin hidden behind location
ANDROAPP-6457 Maps card - expanded card maybe more than 70% of the map and When the user taps outside the card (when expanded) the card does not collapses.
ANDROAPP-6477 Programs are hidden after navigating to settings and back
ANDROAPP-6480 Tei scheduled events for "today" show incorrect overdue icon
ANDROAPP-6482 TEI Is created even if it was discarded
ANDROAPP-6509 Assign enrollment org unit as the default org unit when creating an event
ANDROAPP-6519 Barcode scanner crashes DHIS2-RTS
ANDROAPP-6524 Option code is displayed instead of name
ANDROAPP-6533 Background color is visible behind bottom navigation bar
ANDROAPP-6535 Bidirectional relationships are created in the oppsite direction when created from TO
ANDROAPP-6543 Image download not working correctly
ANDROAPP-6549 DHIS2-RTS: Data entry window not closing when selecting blue bullet
ANDROAPP-6579 Limit the menu size in the enrollment dashboard when the program name is too long.
ANDROAPP-6628 Due Date in Scheduled Event Card Always Red
ANDROAPP-6644 Incorrect style and icon for overdue scheduled events in
ANDROAPP-6652 NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.content.res.Resources android.view.View.getResources()'...
ANDROAPP-6657 Implement a load bar when searching in "This Area"
ANDROAPP-6660 Incorrect list of available periods
ANDROAPP-6667 [Program Rules] Warning AND Error on complete not showing
ANDROAPP-6673 Home filters are not displayed
ANDROAPP-6695 IllegalArgumentException: com.dhis2: Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABL...
ANDROAPP-6696 IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState
ANDROAPP-6705 Tei attributes and data elements flagging allowed future dates as errors incorrectly in Form
ANDROAPP-6707 Unable to complete event
ANDROAPP-6715 Crash when selecting a checkbox option set
ANDROAPP-6717 Crash when syncing a TEI from map screen
ANDROAPP-6753 Event program takes too long to load in server
ANDROAPP-6759 Version comparison returns a wrong value in some cases
ANDROAPP-6760 Rule engine context events include deleted events
ANDROAPP-6763 Status bar overlaps the app, obstructing buttons and making the interface unreadable
ANDROAPP-6771 Crash when creating a tei after searching through org unit
ANDROAPP-6774 Bottomsheet buttons padding fix
ANDROAPP-6776 Incorrect background shown in EventInitial screen after Android 35 corrections
ANDROAPP-6777 inconsistent behaviour in org unit selector search bar