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Android Capture App for DHIS 2 (v1.3.1) - Patch Version

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@mmvila mmvila released this 28 Aug 07:12
This is a patch version of the DHIS2 Android App. It builds upon the last version including bug fixes that couldn't wait to the next version. It includes no functional improvements neither changes in the User Interface. It means that yours users can update without experiencing any change in the UI.

You can find in Jira more details on the bugs fixed in this version.

Remember to check the documentation for detailed information of the functionalities included in the App and how to configure DHIS2 to use it.

Please create a Jira Issue if you find a bug or you want to propose a new functionality. [Project: Android App for DHIS2 | Component: AndroidApp].

You can also download the App from Google Play!

Find all details in our website

Bug Fixing

ANDROAPP-2322 | Event GPS Coordinates are deleted when editing an event
ANDROAPP-2321 | GPS coords are switched for data elements
ANDROAPP-2317 | Slow responsiveness in OU selection due to OU closed date check
ANDROAPP-2114 | App duplicates information when the TEI is re-enrolled to a program
ANDROAPP-2325 | Program rules inconsistencies and form rendering issues
ANDROAPP-2319 | Sync data fails but there are no error icons or messages