Android Capture App for DHIS 2 (v1.3.0)
The new DHIS2 Android App allows offline data capture across all DHIS2 data models*. Data and metadata are automatically synchronized whenever there is internet access, always keeping the most relevant data for the logged user in the device.
This version includes 2.32 compatibility, some functional improvements and many fixes of the new generation DHIS2 Android App. We encourage you to download it and test it, it supports 2.29, 2.30, 2.31. You can find in Jira details on the functional improvements and bugs fixed in this version. Remember to check the documentation for detailed information of the functionalities included in the App and how to configure DHIS2 to use it. Please create a Jira Issue if you find a bug or you want to propose a new functionality. [Project: Android App for DHIS2 | Component: AndroidApp]. You can also download the App from Google Play! Find all details in our website |
Functional improvements
Support for dhis v2.32
ANDROAPP-2159 | Integrate new error handling in granular sync
ANDROAPP-1293 | Adopting widget code libraries into mobile app
ANDROAPP-1665 | Add possibility to delete TEI's & Enrollments
ANDROAPP-1769 | Show warning in autogenerated field if there are not more reserved values available.
ANDROAPP-1800 | Add loading banner for slow screens
ANDROAPP-1802 | Show text when Relationships or Indicators screens are empty
ANDROAPP-2054 | Improve management of quto-generated ID's when server runs out of ID's
ANDROAPP-2073 | Change maps to Kujaku (Peacock)
ANDROAPP-2124 | Sync error log: Add the time to the error log message
ANDROAPP-2205 | Main dialogs redesign
ANDROAPP-2175 | Change label in description pop up from Accept to Close
ANDROAPP-2258 | Show sameTEI count in settings and home screens
Log in & Settings
ANDROAPP-1240 | Add password recovery hyperlink on the log in page
ANDROAPP-1669 | Prefill url and username with last successful credentials
ANDROAPP-1803 | Redesign Settings Screen
ANDROAPP-1810 | Redesign "log in" screen when user locked session with PIN
ANDROAPP-2160 | Add option "per program" in TEI/event download settings
Tracker Programs
ANDROAPP-1808 | Only show local TEI’s in Program TEI list
ANDROAPP-1812 | Improve sorting search results
ANDROAPP-1823 | Force search before registration in Tracker programs
ANDROAPP-2158 | Downloaded Records Mixed With Records That Are Available To Download
ANDROAPP-2063 | Show in TEI card the attributes marked as Display in List
ANDROAPP-2064 | Move actions in enrollment to actionable icon.
ANDROAPP-2132 | After creating a relationship, screen should keep on the relationship tab instead of moving to the overview
ANDROAPP-1664 | Add save button in TEI/enrollment details screen.
Data Entry
ANDROAPP-1195 | Update rendering for option sets DE and Attributes
ANDROAPP-1208 | Hitting ‘NEXT’ on keyboard jumps to next text or number data entry question and skips other question types
ANDROAPP-1239 | Change Calendar picker for day/month/year selector
ANDROAPP-1545 | DATETIME field missing CLEAR option on Tracker Capture
ANDROAPP-1656 | Improve flow for completing events
ANDROAPP-1711 | Improve flow and icon to complete event
ANDROAPP-1799 | Improvements for selector for Org. Unit value type
ANDROAPP-1801 | Change Label for the event creation button
ANDROAPP-2060 | Adapt keyboard to value type
ANDROAPP-2061 | Do not open Event details screen when the event is not new
ANDROAPP-2078 | Display long text valueType as multiple lines
ANDROAPP-2282 | Display warning that mandatory fields are missing
ANDROAPP-2288 | Only move on to next field when 'Next' is selected
Program Rules
ANDROAPP-1662 | Actions (search - PR) only happens when user changes field focus
ANDROAPP-1982 | Some rules takes too long to perform an action
ANDROAPP-2062 | Differentiate the colours of warning and error message/prompts
ANDROAPP-2080 | Program rule action: Display Text
ANDROAPP-2081 | Program rule action: Display Key/Value Pair
ANDROAPP-2082 | Program rule action: Display Key/Value Pair
ANDROAPP-2079 | Display text in a one column card in indicators widget
ANDROAPP-2286 | Clear source field when "Show error" program rule is triggered
Bug Fixing
Please go to jira for details in Bug fixing