Android Capture App for DHIS 2 (v1.1.0)
The new DHIS2 Android App allows offline data capture across all DHIS2 data models*. Data and metadata are automatically synchronized whenever there is internet access, always keeping the most relevant data for the logged user in the device.
This version includes many functional improvements and fixes of the new generation DHIS2 Android App. We encourage you to download it and test it, it supports 2.29, 2.30. You can find in Jira more details on the functional improvements and bugs fixed in this version. Remember to check the documentation for detailed information of the functionalities included in the App and how to configure DHIS2 to use it. Please create a Jira Issue if you find a bug or you want to propose a new functionality. [Project: Android App for DHIS2 | Component: AndroidApp]. You can also download the App from Google Play! Find all details in our website |
Functional improvements
ANDROAPP-1428 | UI Design Review
ANDROAPP-1673 | UI Corrections
ANDROAPP-1767 | Swap order of Relationships and Indicators in TEI Dashboard
ANDROAPP-1646 | Screen orientation while using tracker
Log In and Settings screen
ANDROAPP-1728 | Make log in button clearer and demote test log in buttons
ANDROAPP-1632 | List Autogenerated reserved values status in sync manager
ANDROAPP-1658 | Improve management of auto-generated Id's reservation
ANDROAPP-1653 | Readjust options in Settings Screen
ANDROAPP-1538 | Save and show errors/warnings from api response
Program Rules
ANDROAPP-1527 | Support OU code program rule variable code
ANDROAPP-1200 | Program Rules Refactor (client side)
Data Entry
ANDROAPP-1515 | Display of Yes/No Options in horizontal
ANDROAPP-1532 | Cascade selector for the selection of OU/attribute value type search
ANDROAPP-1435 | Show search OU tree in selector for DE of OU value type
ANDROAPP-1651 | Read and apply render type auto-complete for text fields
ANDROAPP-1520 | Search Field for option sets with many options
ANDROAPP-1633 | Replace section form tabs with new design
Bug Fixing
ANDROAPP-1439 | Org units closing date is not respected if the program is assign to more than one OU
ANDROAPP-1501 | App is cutting the form names of dataelements
ANDROAPP-1701 | Info Icon not working on 1.0.4 (Web 2.30)
ANDROAPP-1725 | Program Stage in numerical order and Org Unit in alphabetical order
ANDROAPP-1756 | incorrect behavior when rotating tablet from landscape to portrait
ANDROAPP-1761 | Training APK> Help opens when you create a new event
ANDROAPP-1740 | Buttons showing no action when clicked
ANDROAPP-1724 | Coordinate field not saving value when selecting position from the map
ANDROAPP-1535 | Changing permissions to only 1 user do not apply after sync
ANDROAPP-1634 | Data sync: syncing an event with CatCombo triggers an error message (access control)
Log in & Settings
ANDROAPP-1679 | Error upon login - Cannot switch servers offline
ANDROAPP-1695 | Flag is not showing when logging in
ANDROAPP-1699 | scheduled sync loses the setting after leaving the screen
ANDROAPP-1494 | Trouble with auto-generated values in users with multiple OUs
ANDROAPP-1686 | Re-position logo
Home Screen (program list)
ANDROAPP-1743 | Event filter- "Clear selection" does not hide the events
ANDROAPP-1648 | Organisation Unit dialog shows all items selected
ANDROAPP-1705 | OU filter should show only the "Data capture and maintenance organisation units"
ANDROAPP-1650 | Capture app - Program Overview Icons have overlapping text
Tracker Program: TEI List & Search
ANDROAPP-1675 | Searching by Date value type makes the app to stop
ANDROAPP-1734 | Cannot select enrollment date for search in Child Programme - NAMR
ANDROAPP-1707 | Chips label does not show the color of their respective program
ANDROAPP-1747 | "Display front page list" does not show the list of TEIs
ANDROAPP-1688 | List of programs TE type In TEI Search
ANDROAPP-1764 | TEI Attributes not shown when downloaded from Search OU
ANDROAPP-1746 | Enrollment date label not shown in TEI search fields
Tracker program: TEI Dashboard
ANDROAPP-1659 | App crashes after Activate/Deactivate a TEI (horizontal screen)
ANDROAPP-1643 | TEI Dashboard without program does not open the program listed
ANDROAPP-1689 | Change Status of enrollment not updated when going back to TEI Dashboard
ANDROAPP-1709 | Program color does not change when enrolling from the TEI enrollment history
ANDROAPP-1544 | Activate/Deactivate function applies after entering two times on TEIs details screen
ANDROAPP-1716 | Enrollment capture coordinates are unable to edit
ANDROAPP-1687 | Change Unselect enrollment string
ANDROAPP-1758 | User is able to create new events for a TEI with a completed status.
ANDROAPP-1762 | Incident date shown despite option not selected in program
ANDROAPP-1749 | Wrong order of stages in TEI Dashboard
ANDROAPP-1696 | Unable to create a relationship
Tracker program: Enrollment & program stages logic
ANDROAPP-1777 | I can't save an enrollment because the app asks for missing mandatory fields (but they are filled)
ANDROAPP-1642 | Enrolment date label on date picker doesn't match with the label on the registration form
ANDROAPP-1660 | "Create" button disappears when changing between "one time" or "permanent" referral options
ANDROAPP-1733 | Cannot complete Malaria case Registration
ANDROAPP-1692 | App crashes after selecting the OU without previously selecting the report date
ANDROAPP-1757 | Event date for event programs cannot be updated on Android Capture App
ANDROAPP-1760 | After changing an event date, it displays the wrong value
ANDROAPP-1677 | Registering woman in multiple programs
ANDROAPP-1676 | Unique TEI not working
ANDROAPP-1683 | App when crashes when selecting Enrollment and Incident Date
ANDROAPP-1717 | After deleting a non-repeatable stage, the app does not offer the same stage (new event option)
ANDROAPP-1719 | Open data entry form after enrollment is ignoring the report date to use
ANDROAPP-1718 | Tracker program- When you delete an event, all others are deleted and not only the one selected
ANDROAPP-1698 | Ask user to create new event when stage is complete fails
ANDROAPP-1712 | Auto-generated events (with the same date) are displaying in a random order
ANDROAPP-1774 | Blank screen after finishing an enrollment (with autogenerated events)
ANDROAPP-1750 | Events Scheduled in the past are created as Read Only instead of Skipped
ANDROAPP-1738 | Ask User to create New event if complete creates a event of the same stage even if is not repeatable
Data Entry Form
ANDROAPP-1446 | OU text overlaps field label
ANDROAPP-1713 | Value types Yes only and Yes/No are able to be cleared when te event is completed
ANDROAPP-1715 | Data sync - App does not allow to assign a Cat Combo option to an auto-generated event
ANDROAPP-1691 | Event forms with only one compulsory DE are unable to be completed
ANDROAPP-1678 | Long delays in app in saving data
ANDROAPP-1763 | Changing orientation in data entry screen makes the app crash
ANDROAPP-1685 | Overview Option in Events opens event and shows 10000 of completion
ANDROAPP-1722 | DATETIME field cannot be selected
ANDROAPP-1755 | landscape rotation: Unable to see the labels of the DE while entering the information.
ANDROAPP-1682 | Problem with saving data using Tracker Capture option set
ANDROAPP-1778 | Getting an error when trying to complete an event
ANDROAPP-1745 | Auto-generated Event entry form uses the old Save button
ANDROAPP-1742 | Android 5.1.1 User is unable to choose an organisation unit (Data element)
Program Rules
ANDROAPP-1637 | d2:substring fail
ANDROAPP-1630 | V{environment} fails
ANDROAPP-1636 | PR: "Hide section" does not return the section once it is hidden
ANDROAPP-1739 | Previous Event Data Element variable type combined with Hide Action
ANDROAPP-1710 | Random behavior when executing the instructions
ANDROAPP-1629 | Built'in variable V{event_count} fails
ANDROAPP-1320 | Program rules variable type: DE from previous event fail
ANDROAPP-1354 | Program rules variable type: previous DE fails
ANDROAPP-1553 | "Show error" program rule actions not functioning as defined; records with PR violations are allowed to reach the database
ANDROAPP-1748 | Action rule: Show Error. User is able to complete an event.
ANDROAPP-1736 | Delete entered values when fields are hidden (Hide field and Hide section)