Not full package: You could finalize the package structrue and add a post-install script in order to automatically add the service to systemd. But this should be enough to get the big picture.
Create a new file in the ~/.config/systemd/user/
directory with the .service extension, for example, socket_exmaple.service
Open the file in a text editor and add the following information:
Description=Socket example
ExecStart=/home/daniehei/github/socket_example/env/bin/python3 /home/daniehe
Save the file and run the following commands to reload the systemd configuration and start the process:
systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user start socket_example
To enable the process to start at boot time, run:
systemctl enable socket_example
You can check the status of the service by running systemctl status myprocess.
You can monitor the process e.g. with htop
Run pgrep socket_example
Open a browser and enter yourhost:12345
Aks chat gpt the following:
"Say I have a python package that has the functionality of establishing a socket
that listens on a port. How can I implement that a process running this functionality
is added to systemd if the user installs my package with pip?"