a Native iOS application built with SwiftUI
- David Guido
- Pierce Findlay
- Kayla Nguyen
For CPSC 362 (Software Engineering) at California State University Fullerton
Fall 19'
Access the application using CSUF domain credentials
Create student or organization account using the following:
- Username
- PW
- First name, Last name
- Major
Log-in using a previously created student or organization account
Create event:
- Student Pick-Up Group
- Study group
- Meet location
ie. Car-pool parking location, club giveaways
- Organization Event
- i.e. Blood drive, New faculty location, Weekly club meetings
- Student Pick-Up Group
Search for clubs & organization events
Maintain a student or organization profile
Send or receive notifications corresponding to subscribed content with the ability to turn on/off in settings
ie. If a student wishes to receive new information regarding a club or organization on campus, they can simply select ‘subscribe’ on the top right portion of any club-profile to start receiving notifications.
Students can create a pickup group for a study session or misc reasons such as "Chest day, looking for spotter"
Organizations can create events with a number of handy parameters including name, date/time, location, admittance type (i.e. Chess club students only) and price
View the full AdobeXD wireframe here: https://xd.adobe.com/spec/25829805-09c1-433d-7d73-c29368a3b5de-53b3/grid
- Created Google Firebase relational-database
- Added rules to dashboard compiler
Allows user access to only their own data, providing minimum security while testing
{ "rules": { "$uid": { ".write": "$uid === auth.uid", ".read": "$uid === auth.uid" } } }
Added Firebase to iOS Application
- Adds Firebase libraries to project so we can access them
- Contains endpoint and configuration data
- Registered App using Bundle ID: com.csuf.friend-finder
- Download / import plist file
- Add Firebase SDK:
Install Cocoapods
- Provides a standard format for managing external libraries
sudo gem install cocoapods
Open project folder in terminal, then create pod file using:
pod init
Open file in text editor and add this script:
pod 'Firebase' pod 'Firebase/Auth' pod 'Firebase/Analytics' pod 'Firebase/Database'
From now on,
Instead of normal xCode project:friend-finder.xcodeproj
Added the following initialization code to
import Firebase
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { FirebaseApp.configure() return true }
Thanks for reading!
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a star and share it with your friends.
Your support is greatly appreciated!