Bash and Python class assignments for practical applications in bioinformatics
Outputs list of reciprocal best hits given two sets of DNA or protein sequences
./ -i1 <Input file 1> -i2 <Input file 2> -o <Output file name> –t <Sequence type – n/p>
Perform global and local alignments on two DNA sequences. Prints the resulting alignment.
Needleman-Wunsch for global alignment:
./ seq1_nw.fa seq2_nw.fa
Smith-Waterman for local alignment:
./ seq1_sw.fa seq2_sw.fa
Performs multithreaded all-against-all ANI calculations on given FASTA files
./ -o <Output file> [-t <Number of threads>] fasta_file1 fasta_file2 fasta_file3 ...