please see the updated version running in Docker
This bot functions as a scanner for Affiliate base content within submissions and comments.
It is based on the bot we use at for reporting spam and other content, while it is not the exact same bot, I will keep this updated with most of the features we use.
The bot does not require any form of subreddit moderator permissions and will report submissions and comments in the following format Bot Report: REASON
When a Submission or a Comment is submitted within the chosen subreddit, the bot will extract all the URL's check the URL and also check the content of the linked sites to check for Affiliate based information and Report the Submission or Comment based on it's findings, it is not always 100% correct and still requires manual interaction before you make you choice to remove or approve.
If you need any help to configure, or hosting the bot you are welcome to contact me directly on reddit.
Gullo's Hosting - Cheap OpenVZ NAT Based VPS using a Shared IPv4 between other members recommended 512MB server but will worth with 256MB (upgrading to Docker for newer versions of bot 512MB required)
- use coupon
depending on your choice to take about 40% off the price - Cheap OpenVZ Based VPS with its own IPv4 - USD4.99 per year. fairly new host not many reviews I have started using one for testing
VirMach Cheap KVM Based VPS with cheap prices and dedicated IPv4 - I currently use a 1GB system here for my production bots and are highly recommended
I have no affiliate links in the above links and not getting paid to promote any of the above providers and they are just my personal recommendations, you are free to use anyone you wish