miREval 2.0 Command-line Version (Beta)
Befor install miREval you should have the following:
- Perl5 Please make sure the perl interpreter is at /usr/bin/perl
- Python 2.X (>=2.6) Please make sure the python interpreter is at /usr/bin/python
- BLAST+ Please make sure /usr/bin/blastn is executable
- Numpy module for Python
- BioPython
- BioPerl
- Extract mireval.tar.gz:
> tar -zxvf mireval.tar.gz
- Set the mireval environment by running:
> chmod a+x /YOUR_PATH_OF_MIREVAL/*.py
> chmod a+x /YOUR_PATH_OF_MIREVAL/bin/*.py
- Download and compile SVM-light:
> cd /YOUR_PATH_OF_MIREVAL/bin/svm_light
> make (or make all)
Check whether the above command compiles the system and creates the two executables: "svm_learn" and "svm_classify". The following command should be executable:
> /YOUR_PATH_OF_MIREVAL/bin/svm_light/svm_classify
- Download and install MEME:
a) MEME installation:
> wget http://ebi.edu.au/ftp/software/MEME/4.9.1/meme_4.9.1_1.tar.gz
> tar -zxvf meme_4.9.1_1.tar.gz
> cd meme_4.9.1_1
> ./configure --prefix=/PATH_TO_MIREVAL/mireval/bin/meme --with-url=http://meme-suite.org/ --enable-build-libxml2 --enable-build-libxslt
> make
> make test
> make install
b) "fimo" should be executable from:
> /YOUR_PATH_OF_MIREVAL/bin/meme/bin/fimo
- Check and install perl module needed by Circos-0.64 (NOTE: do not need to install Circos-0.64, it's already with miREval. Just check if you have all the perl module it needs):
a) check modules by running:
> /YOUR_PATH_OF_MIREVAL/bin/circos-0.64/bin/test.modules
b) install the modules you do not have through CPAN:
> perl -MCPAN -e shell
> cpan[1] >install Set::IntSpan
>install Math::Bezier
Run the following command to test whether miREval is installed successfully.
> python ./mireval2 -i example/example.txt -d genomes/caenorhabditis_elegans/blastdb -v genomes/caenorhabditis_elegans/chrom.sizes -o test -m -T genomes/caenorhabditis_elegans/trans/trans.txt -C genomes/caenorhabditis_elegans/cons/score.bw -M genomes/caenorhabditis_elegans/mir/mir.gff3 -l 89 -a 0.77 -b 0.9
> ./mireval2_diagram.py -t test -n 1
> ./mireval2_diagram.py -t test -n 2
This would create a folder called "test" under "/YOUR_PATH_OF_MIREVAL". You can open "index.html" inside the folder to view the prediction result.
NOTE: there is no phylogenetic shadowing information for Caenorhabditis elegans, thus parameters "-S", "-x", "-y" is not applied. -R can be applied if you first run the tool "rfam_chr.py" under "bin/" See TUTORIAL for details.