A public repo for GPU implementations of IR astronomical data reduction techniques.
gpu_IR is currently base on two scripts, benchmark.py
and reduce.py
. Both scripts take in a fits file of non-destructive or up-the-ramp data and performs a linear fit on each pixel. benchmark.py
reduces (linear fit) the data on either a gpu or cpu, splitting up the job into smaller batches of pixels. The script runs through a range of batch sizes and reports the fastest data reduction time and the corresponding batch size. Then one can run reduce.py
to reduce data with the optimal batch size as an input.
python benchmark.py -i "data.fits" --cpu
usage: benchmark.py [-h] -i FILE [-c] [-g]
Reduce IR data with a linear fit
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i FILE, --input FILE
input file (default: None)
-c, --cpu select cpu implementation (default: False)
-g, --gpu select gpu implementation (default: False)
python reduce.py -i "data.fits" -o "slopes.fits" --gpu -n 256
usage: reduce.py [-h] -i FILE -o FILE [-c] [-g] [-n NPIX]
Reduce IR data with a linear fit
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i FILE, --input FILE
input file (default: None)
-o FILE, --output FILE
output filename and path (default: None)
-c, --cpu select cpu implementation (default: False)
-g, --gpu select gpu implementation (default: False)
-n NPIX, --number_of_pixels NPIX
number of pixels in batch (default: 65536)