Infrastructure to support LDAP based auth in TAK
The Auth-Infra service assumes some pre-requisite dependencies are deployed before initial deployment. The following are dependencies which need to be created:
Name | Notes |
coe-vpc-<name> |
VPC & networking to place tasks in - repo |
coe-ecs-<name> |
ECS Cluster for API Service - repo |
coe-ecr-auth |
ECR Repository for storing Auth-Infra Images - repo |
An AWS ACM certificate must also be generated that covers the subdomain that the Auth-Infra is deployed to.
From the root directory, install the deploy dependencies
npm install
You also need to make sure that Docker and Docker Compose are installed on your local machine.
The following environment variable need to be set:
export AWS_REGION='us-east-1'
export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID='123456789012'
export Environment='prod'
An script to build the docker image and publish it to your ECR is provided and can be run using:
npm run build
from the root of the project. Ensure that you have created the necessary ECR repositories as descrived in the
previos step and that you have AWS credentials provided in your current terminal environment as an aws ecr get-login-password
call will be issued.
Deployment to AWS is handled via AWS Cloudformation. The template can be found in the ./cloudformation
directory. The deployment itself is performed by Deploy which
was installed in the previous step.
The deploy tool can be run via the following
npx deploy
To install it globally - view the deploy README
Deploy uses your existing AWS credentials. Ensure that your ~/.aws/credentials
has an entry like:
aws_access_key_id = <redacted>
aws_secret_access_key = <redacted>
Deployment can then be performed via the following:
npx deploy create <stack>
npx deploy update <stack>
npx deploy info <stack> --outputs
npx deploy info <stack> --parameters
Stacks can be created, deleted, cancelled, etc all via the deploy tool. For further information
information about deploy
functionality run the following for help.
npx deploy
Further help about a specific command can be obtained via something like:
npx deploy info --help
- Build the Docker Image
docker compose up --build
- Populate the database with users
ldapmodify -D 'cn=admin,dc=cotak,dc=gov' -H ldap://localhost:3389 -w admin -f <INPUT FILE>
- Ensure the service account can list users
ldapsearch -v -x -D 'uid=ldapsvcaccount,dc=cotak,dc=gov' -b 'dc=cotak,dc=gov' -H ldap://localhost:3389 -w service
- Ensure the admin account can list users
ldapsearch -x -H ldap://localhost:3389 -b dc=cotak,dc=gov -D "cn=admin,dc=cotak,dc=gov" -w admin