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dfherr committed Aug 6, 2021
1 parent 920a86c commit 6b95f39
Showing 1 changed file with 63 additions and 63 deletions.
126 changes: 63 additions & 63 deletions locale/zhTW.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,67 +2,67 @@ local TC2, C, L, _ = unpack(select(2, ...))
if TC2.locale ~= "zhTW" then return end

-- zhTW client (NGA-男爵凯恩,奇樂-[三皈依-暗影之月]補完)
-- zhTW client (NGA-男爵凯恩,奇樂-[三皈依-暗影之月]補完)
-- Last update: 2021/08/06
-- main frame
L.gui_threat = "仇恨"
L.gui_config = "開啟設定選項"
L.gui_threat = "仇恨"
L.gui_config = "開啟設定選項"

-- config frame
L.reset = "重置為預設"
L.reset = "重置為預設"

-- messages
L.message_welcome = "輸入 /tc2 進入設置"
L.message_leader = "你必須是隊長或者有權限"
L.message_outdated = "|cFFFBB709ThreatClassic2:|r新版本已發布,請去 下載最新版本。"
L.message_incompatible = "你的 |cFFFBB709ThreatClassic2|r 已過期,因此不兼容,請立即升級。"
L.message_welcome = "輸入 /tc2 進入設置"
L.message_leader = "你必須是隊長或者有權限"
L.message_outdated = "|cFFFBB709ThreatClassic2:|r新版本已發布,請去 下載最新版本。"
L.message_incompatible = "你的 |cFFFBB709ThreatClassic2|r 已過期,因此不兼容,請立即升級。"

L.general = "一般"
L.general_welcome = "顯示資訊當你登入時"
L.general = "一般"
L.general_welcome = "顯示資訊當你登入時"
L.general_rawPercent = "啟用原始威脅百分比 (近戰 110% / 遠程 130% 的仇恨)"
L.general_downscaleThreat = "啟用調整威脅值 (修正後威脅值是1傷害等於1威脅值)"
L.general_downscaleThreatDesc = "暴雪威脅API是每造成1點傷害算100點威脅值。此設置是將威脅API的數字縮減為我們在補丁1.13.5之前使用的數字。"
L.general_updateFreq = "更新間隔最短時間 (秒)。"
L.general_updateFreq_desc = "--這個設置是為了限制tc2更新時的CPU消耗(例如,在targettarget模式下)。一般來說,威脅值不能更新得更快,因為暴雪的API更新速度限制了它們。"
L.general_test = "測試模式。"
--L.general_minimap = "小地图按钮." --You can't find this option, you can delete it.
--L.general_ignorePets = "忽略玩家寵物的仇恨。" --You can't find this option, you can delete it.
L.general_test = "測試模式。"
--L.general_minimap = "小地图按钮." --You can't find this option, you can delete it.
--L.general_ignorePets = "忽略玩家寵物的仇恨。" --You can't find this option, you can delete it.

L.visibility = "可見性"
L.visibility_hideOOC = "脫戰時隱藏"
L.visibility_hideSolo = "不在隊伍中隱藏"
L.visibility_hideInPvP = "戰場中隱藏"
L.visibility_hideOpenWorld = "不在團隊中隱藏 (也隱藏世界BOSS!)。"
L.visibility_hideAlways = "始終隱藏。 /tc2 切換"
L.visibility = "可見性"
L.visibility_hideOOC = "脫戰時隱藏"
L.visibility_hideSolo = "不在隊伍中隱藏"
L.visibility_hideInPvP = "戰場中隱藏"
L.visibility_hideOpenWorld = "不在團隊中隱藏 (也隱藏世界BOSS!)。"
L.visibility_hideAlways = "始終隱藏。 /tc2 切換"

L.profiles = "--設定檔"

L.color = "顏色"

L.appearance = "外觀"

L.frame = "框架"
L.frame_header = "標題"
L.frame_bg = "背景"
L.frame_test = "測試模式"
L.frame_strata = "層級"
L.frame_scale = "大小"
L.frame_lock = "鎖定"
L.frame_headerShow = "顯示標題"
L.frame_headerColor = "標題顏色"
L.frame_position = "--位置"
L.frame_width = "寬度"
L.frame_height = "--高度"
L.color = "顏色"

L.appearance = "外觀"

L.frame = "框架"
L.frame_header = "標題"
L.frame_bg = "背景"
L.frame_test = "測試模式"
L.frame_strata = "層級"
L.frame_scale = "大小"
L.frame_lock = "鎖定"
L.frame_headerShow = "顯示標題"
L.frame_headerColor = "標題顏色"
L.frame_position = "--位置"
L.frame_width = "寬度"
L.frame_height = "--高度"
L.frame_xOffset = "X 偏移"
L.frame_yOffset = "Y 偏移" = "仇恨條"
L.bar_descend = "反向增長"
L.bar_height = "高度"
L.bar_padding = "間隔"
L.bar_texture = "材質"
L.bar_alpha = "透明度 (預設顏色)" = "仇恨條"
L.bar_descend = "反向增長"
L.bar_height = "高度"
L.bar_padding = "間隔"
L.bar_texture = "材質"
L.bar_alpha = "透明度 (預設顏色)"
L.bar_textOptions = "--文本選項"
L.bar_showThreatValue = "--顯示威脅值"
L.bar_showThreatPercentage = "--顯示威脅比例"
Expand All @@ -82,44 +82,44 @@ L.igniteIndicator_makeRound = "--圓形圖標"
L.igniteIndicator_makeRound_desc = "--使用圓形圖標,需要重新載入"
L.igniteIndicator_size = "--大小"

L.customBarColors = "自定義顏色"
L.customBarColorsPlayer_enabled = "啟用自定義玩家顏色"
L.customBarColorsPlayer_desc = "--這個選項為玩家設置一個固定的顏色,而不考慮其他任何顏色選項。"
L.customBarColorsActiveTank_enabled = "啟用自定義坦克顏色"
L.customBarColorsOtherUnit_enabled = "啟用自定義其他玩家顏色"
L.customBarColorsIgnite_enabled = "--啟用點燃的顏色"
L.customBarColors = "自定義顏色"
L.customBarColorsPlayer_enabled = "啟用自定義玩家顏色"
L.customBarColorsPlayer_desc = "--這個選項為玩家設置一個固定的顏色,而不考慮其他任何顏色選項。"
L.customBarColorsActiveTank_enabled = "啟用自定義坦克顏色"
L.customBarColorsOtherUnit_enabled = "啟用自定義其他玩家顏色"
L.customBarColorsIgnite_enabled = "--啟用點燃的顏色"
L.customBarColorsIgnite_desc = "--這將改變狀態條的顏色,如果目標上存在該玩家的點燃技能。坦克和玩家顏色有優先級。"
L.customBarColorsPlayer_color = "玩家顏色"
L.customBarColorsActiveTank_color = "主坦克顏色"
L.customBarColorsOtherUnit_color = "其他玩家顏色"
L.customBarColorsIgnite_color = "--點燃玩家顏色"

L.font = "字體"
L.font_name = "字體選擇"
L.font_size = "大小"
L.font_style = "風格"
L.customBarColorsPlayer_color = "玩家顏色"
L.customBarColorsActiveTank_color = "主坦克顏色"
L.customBarColorsOtherUnit_color = "其他玩家顏色"
L.customBarColorsIgnite_color = "--點燃玩家顏色"

L.font = "字體"
L.font_name = "字體選擇"
L.font_size = "大小"
L.font_style = "風格"
L.NONE = ""
L.OUTLINE = "輪廓"
L.font_shadow = "字體陰影"
L.font_shadow = "字體陰影"

L.filter = "--過濾器"
L.filter_outOfMelee = "--隱藏不在近戰範圍內的玩家"
L.filter_useTargetList = "--僅針對列出的目標過濾玩家"
L.filter_targetList = "--過濾目標列表(Shift+Enter鍵來分隔)"
L.filter_targetList_desc = "--輸入要過濾的首領或其他的單位。每行一個。注意:需要添加準確的名稱,例如:屠龍者格魯爾"

L.warnings = "警報"
L.warnings = "警報"
L.warnings_disableWhileTanking = "--坦克時禁用"
L.warnings_disableWhileTanking_desc = "--當你啟用防御姿態或熊形態或啟用了正義之怒時,你被認定為坦克。"
L.warnings_flash = "啟用螢幕閃爍"
L.warnings_sound = "啟用聲音"
L.warnings_threshold = "警報仇恨閥值 (100% = 仇恨)"
L.warnings_flash = "啟用螢幕閃爍"
L.warnings_sound = "啟用聲音"
L.warnings_threshold = "警報仇恨閥值 (100% = 仇恨)"
L.warnings_minThreatAmount = "觸發警告的威脅值"
L.warnings_minThreatAmount_desc = "該值取決於'常規->標定威脅值'設置,並與顯示的威脅相匹配。可以在輸入框中設置更大的數字。"

L.warnings_soundFile = "警報音效檔"
L.warnings_soundChannel = "聲音通道"
L.warnings_soundFile = "警報音效檔"
L.warnings_soundChannel = "聲音通道"

L.soundChannel_master = "主要"
L.soundChannel_sfx = "音效"
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