- Go installation (preferably v1.18) and a correctly configured path.
- A local docker, docker-compose
- Golangci-lint to improve code quality
git clone https://github.com/dezswap/cosmwasm-etl
cd cosmwasm-etl
vim config.yaml # to change environment variables.
export APP_TYPE=collector # one of (aggregator/collector/parser)
make up # starts App, with PostgresQL
make watch # server is automatically restarted when code is edited
# ...
make down # shut down all services
make all # Test and build all apps
make deps # Download dependencies
make watch # Run development server, recompile and run tests on file change
make clean # Remove compiled binaries from local disk
make fmt # Format code
make lint # Run golangci-lint on code changed since forked from master branch
make prune-deps # Remove unused dependencies from go.mod & go.sum
make image # Create docker image with minimal binary
make build-docker # Build with special params to create a complete binary,
# see Dockerfile
make build-all # Build all apps
make test # Run tests for all packages
make cover # Check coverage for all packages
Please use the issue tracker to report any bugs or ask feature requests.