This project is an Event Grid Web Hook written in Go that supports receiving and processing the person message type.
** TODO cover.html contains the latest code coverage map. The Go tools have some "challenges" building this, so it's not an automated process yet.
- Developer workstation will need
- VSTS / Git access
- Go 1.10 (I can't get Delve to work on 1.11 Windows ...)
- Azure subscription access for SSH access (optional)
- docker
- contains docker build files for debug and release
- sendmessage
- a simple app / shell script for sending a message to event grid
- not part of the package
- a simple app / shell script for sending a message to event grid
- src/m4
- sampleapp
- contains a sample Web Hook implementation
- logb
- simple log wrapper for chaining requests
- eventgrid
- handler that parses the event grid "envelope" and handles validation events
- sampleapp
- port - int - 8080 - port for web hook to listen on
- logpath - string - ./logs/ - path to the log files
- /home/LogFiles/ is the CIFS share mounted by App Service
- the docker files override the default and use /home/LogFiles
- using /home/LogFiles is problematic on the Mac because of permissions on /home
- Event Grid webhook sample for App Services / Go
- Setting up CI/CD for App Services / Go in Azure DevOps
- Debugging App Services with SSH and Go
- App Insights integration for App Services / Go
- TODO - PR for app analytics
- TODO - automate building infrastructure
- TODO - add Apache log handler to write Apache style web logs?
- TODO - automate end to end test
- TODO - complete and automate performance test
- TODO - complete and automate scale test
- TODO - automate cover.html
- there's a bug but can be worked around with sed