A python library for parsing and decoding ARINC-424, the international standard file format for aircraft navigation data.
- Python >= 3.10
Install the latest release with:
pip install arinc424
or clone the repository and install the package from local source for an editable local version of the library.
cd /arinc424
python3 -m pip install -e .
# parse_example.py
import arinc424
arinc424.parse("SUSAP KSEAK1ASEA 110000119Y N47265700W122182910E019900429250SEA K11800018000CU00Y NAS SEATTLE-TACOMA INTL 045698808")
foo@bar:~$ python3 parse_example.py
| Field | Raw | Decoded |
| Record Type | 'S' | Standard |
| Customer / Area Code | 'USA' | United States of America |
| Section Code | 'PA' | Airport Reference Point |
| Airport ICAO Identifier | 'KSEA' | KSEA |
| ICAO Code | 'K1' | K1 |
| ATA/IATA Designator | 'SEA' | SEA |
| Continuation Record No | '1' | Primary Record (with Cont.) |
| Speed Limit Altitude | '10000' | 10000 ft |
| Longest Runway | '119' | 11900 ft |
| IFR Capability | 'Y' | Official |
| Longest Runway Surface Code | ' ' | |
| Airport Reference Pt. Latitude | 'N47265700' | N47265700 |
| Airport Reference Pt. Longitude | 'W122182910' | W122182910 |
| Magnetic Variation | 'E0199' | 199 E |
| Airport Elevation | '00429' | 00429 |
| Speed Limit | '250' | 250 knots (IAS) |
| Recommended Navaid | 'SEA ' | SEA |
| ICAO Code (2) | 'K1' | K1 |
| Transition Altitude | '18000' | 18000 ft |
| Transition Level | '18000' | 18000 ft |
| Public Military Indicator | 'C' | Public / Civil |
| Time Zone | 'U00' | GMT +8:00 |
| Daylight Indicator | 'Y' | Yes |
| Magnetic/True Indicator | ' ' | |
| Datum Code | 'NAS' | NAS |
| File Record No | '04569' | 04569 |
| Cycle Date | '8808' | 1988, Release 08 |
This function calls arinc424.parse() for every line of a given file.
path = 'dir/to/some/arinc424_file'
The examples in the Getting Started section utilise the arinc424.parse()
function. Under the hood this function is creating a Record object, populating the fields of the record object with data from the provided record, and then calling the decode()
function. This can also be done manually.
import arinc424
record = arinc424.Record()
record.read("SUSAP KSEAK1ASEA 110000119Y N47265700W122182910E019900429250SEA K11800018000CU00Y NAS SEATTLE-TACOMA INTL 045698808")
In addition to printing to the console, decode() will return a string which can be written to a file.
f = open("output.txt", "w")
# writes the record as plaintext
# writes the record in JSON format