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How to contribute code to Devilry

Espen Angell Kristiansen edited this page May 29, 2015 · 4 revisions
  1. Fork the devilry sourcecode using the fork-button on github. Github has a nice guide.
  2. Make changes to your fork
  3. Make sure you fork is fully merged with the devilry sourcecode.
  4. Send a pull request to one of the developers using the pull request button on your fork.

If we consider your code stable and useful enough, we will merge it into the devilry sourcecode. It is important to understand that we might not accept your code (for various reasons), so you should probably message us your idea before you start coding. You should also be prepared to have to go a couple of rounds of reviews before we accept your code, especially if it is a big change.

Source code guidelines

We follow the official python guidelines for python code (PEP 8). Additional restrictions:

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