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Universal Mod Loader (can be added to any Mono-compiled Unity Game)


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Universal Mod Loader (can be added to any Mono-compiled Unity Game). It's also multiplayer friendly, as it supports marking a mod as client-only or multiplayer (requiered to join a server/lobby).


UML namespace

UML contains a namespace: UML, which is the base for loading mods (they inherit and assign an attribute from here)


This attribute class allows UML to know different things about your mod. ONLY one class needs this attribute. There are four ways to attribute a class with UML.ModInfo:

// Basic:
ModInfo("Mod Name", "Mod Author", "Mod Version");

// With GUID:
ModInfo("me.myname.mymod", "Mod Name", "Mod Author", "Mod Version");
// NOTE: it is recommended to keep the GUID (first parameter) lowercase, and in the following format:
//  me.myname.mymod   - it is for a general person, who doesn't own a domain. Example: me.devilexe.test-mod
//  tld.domain.mymod  - it is for a person or team, who owns a domain. Example: go-ro.redline2.test-mod. if you own a subdomain, make the tld as domain-tld, like in the example ( -> go-ro.redline2)

// With dependencies:
ModInfo("me.myname.mymod", "Mod Name", "Mod Author", "Mod Version", new string[] { "", "me.another-author.dep2" });
// NOTE: you can supply needed mods guid, and UML will load the dependency before the mod itself

// With client/server side:
ModInfo("me.myname.mymod", "Mod Name", "Mod Author", "Mod Version", new string[] { "", "me.another-author.dep2" }, UML.ModType.ClientOnly);
// NOTE: the example given marks a mod as client-only. You can use UML.ModType.Multiplayer to mark it needed for multiplayer. Feel free to add more to the enum


This gives you acces to usefull functions. ONLY one class needs to inherit from this (the same that has an attribute of UML.ModInfo). Functions included in UML.IMod:

void IMod.Start();
void IMod.Update(float deltaTime);
void IMod.FixedUpdate(float fixedDeltaTime);
void IMod.OnGUI();
void IMod.OnApplicationQuit();
// NOTE: your class needs to implement all methods listed here

Dependency loading

UML allows for dependency loading. Basically, a needed dependency will load before loading the mod that is dependent on it. It also applies to dependencies themself. UML will load all the mods with no dependencies, and then remove the loaded mod guid from all unloaded mods dependency list, and then it will repeat the process. If no more mods load after one such process, UML will stop loading mods, and print missing dependencies to the console.

Project External References

UML allows any mod to use external dependencies (the ones that you add in the References category in VS). It will resolve all needed dependencies by taking their base name (for example 0Harmony, from full name 0Harmony, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null), adding a .dll to its end (0Harmony.dll) and loading it from UML/deps

Ingame console

UML gives you a debug console that shows all the logs and allows for executing commands. It can be toggled by pressing `

Custom console commands

To register a command use:

_UML.RegisterCommand(new _UML.Command("label", args => {});

A command is registered as label and when it's ran the lambda function is called with all the args as an array, separated by spaces (including the command itself, on index 0)


UML allows you to load any assetbundle and load files from it. All AssetBundles are located at UML/res. To make an asset bundle, open Unity (same version as your game, seen in the console). Import exportBundle.cs as a script in a new folder called Editor in Assets. Load all the files you want to export. From the explorer add them to a new asset bundle (at the bottom of the explorer). Go to the top menu, Assets > Build AssetBundles. Make sure to name your AssetBundle the same as your mods guid. To load an assets, use:

_UML.ResourceManager.Load<T>("me.myname.mymod", "name");

Where T is the type of the asset you want to load (eg: GameObject, Texture2D) and name is the name of the asset in Unity Editor


UML allows mods to log to the console.

_UML.Log("My Mod", "Hello, world!");

You can log only to the ingame console like this:

Log("My Mod", "Hello, world!", true);
// NOTE: the third argument specifies logging only to the ingame console (true) or to the console and logfile (if enabled) (false)

Config (UML/config)

UML allows users to toggle different features. For boolean values, they are true if the text is EXACTLY true. Else, it will be treated as false (eg: True will be treated as false). Features:


  • Type: boolean
  • Usage: Specifies rather to show an external console or not.


  • Type: boolean
  • Usage: Specifies rather to log Unity messages to the console or not.


  • Type: boolean
  • Usage: Specifies rather to copy the output of the external console to a file (UML/log)


UML allows for a mod to be auto loaded if UML is shipped for a game as a package. Thus the autoload mod is not present in UML/mods/. The mod is created like any other mod, and treated like any other mod, except it has to be placed as UML/autoload.dll. UML will only attempt to load this mod if it is present as UML/autoload.dll. Recommended GUID is autoload. Author and Version are recommended empty.

Creating a mod

How to create a mod (really basic):

using UML;
using UnityEngine;
[ModInfo("My Mod", "devilExE", "0.0.0")
class MyMod : IMod
    void IMod.Start()
        _UML.Log("My Mod", "Hello, world!");
    void IMod.Update(float deltaTime)
         // execute input related tasks here
    void IMod.FixedUpdate(float fixedDeltaTime)
         // execute physics related tasks here
    void IMod.OnGUI()
        GUI.Label(new Rect(0f, 50f, 100f, 100f), "Hello, screen!");
    void IMod.OnApplicationQuit()
        _UML.Log("My Mod", "Goodbye, world!");

Make sure to include from Game_Data/Managed/ the following:

  • Assembly-CSharp.dll
  • UnityEngine.*.dll
  • [OPTIONAL] System.*.dll (except System.Core.dll)

Importing UML into a game

  1. Open Assembly-CSharp.dll (located at Game_Data/Managed/) in DNSpy (or something similar)
  2. Open up its treeview by clicking on the arrow to the right of it
  3. Right click on the - namespace and select Add Class (C#)
  4. Paste the contents of UML-namespace.cs into it and compile
  5. Compile the dll
  6. Right click on the - namespace and select Add Class (C#)
  7. Paste the contents of UML.cs into it and compile
  8. Compile the dll
  9. Find a function that gets called when the game starts (such as an ui or gamemanager etc.) and append to its end _UML._Start();
  10. Enjoy :). NOTE: make sure to launch the game at least once before you start modding as it creates all the needed files


Universal Mod Loader (can be added to any Mono-compiled Unity Game)







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