Serverwiz uses an ant build script.
To start a build:
cd <repodir>
ant -f build.xml clean compile jar
The jars are built in the ./build directory.
The OS specific jar can be ran directly. In order to do this, there must be a ./xml directory from where java is executed that contains the library files. So if you are in the repository directory, you can run:
java -jar build/serverwiz2_[OS].jar
where OS is linux64, macosx64, win32, or win64.
Important: The first time Serverwiz is ran, it will ask you for your local git repository location. It will look for common-mrw-xml repository in that directory. If it does not exist, it will clone the repository from:
This is the XML based library that contains attribute and target definitions. The library can be updated to latest by using "Manage Library" button.
There are precompiled binaries at:
Download serverwiz2.jar which is the main launcher application. This application checks the OS and downloads the proper OS specific jar from the latest github release. It will not use the jar that was built locally unless using the -d flag is used.
To run:
java -jar serverwiz2.jar