=== KPS Interview - WordPress Plugin with Custom Post Type and Custom Fields and Custom Admin Columns and Bulk Import ===
Contributors: shriramsoft
Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/DevenSitapara
Tags: kps-interview, custom fields, custom post types, admin columns, bulk import
Requires at least: 4.3
Requires PHP: 5.3
Tested up to: 5.4.2
Stable tag: 5.3.3
License: GPLv2 or later
KPS Interview plugin is a powerful, professional developer sample example to create plugin with custom types, fields and columns with bulk import for WordPress.
== Description ==
I was given following task, which is mentioned bellow.
WordPress Task for GKB Labs Interview
Create a plugin with the following features
Admin section a) Add an option in settings menu called demo-plugin with submenu options
- create user 2) import users 3) list users
Create-users page:
First Name (Text Box)
Last Name (Text Box)
Email (Text Box)
Hobbies (checkbox) with option TV, Reading, coding, skiing
Gender (Radio) with options Male, Female
Upload picture (add WordPress media upload option )
Submit and Cancel buttons
Upon Submit save data into Database
- Import users:
Provide an option to import users data from a CSV (CSV will contain above fields, first name or last name and email are mandatory )
Upon import CSV, report (display on the screen) how many were successfully imported and how many were failed
- List Users: List all users with pagination Provider options to edit, delete
- Upload code into GitHub and share the link ( you may create an account if you don’t have one )
- Find out a free hosting and upload your code as a demo (very helpful for evaluating the task )
Most importantly, plugin should follow all WordPress coding standards, and it should be export as zip and import as a plugin in other WordPress sites. The plugin should contain the SQL file required to store the user’s data and auto-execute SQL when plugin activated.
As a developer, you have enough on your plate. You shouldn't have to create an entirely new system for each project. Use KPS Interview to your full advantage.
You can use KPS Interview and its custom fields in WordPress on as many websites as you want so you can use it on client projects as well.
== Installation ==
From within WordPress
- Visit Plugins > Add New
- Search for KPS Interview
- Click the Install Now button to install the plugin
- Click the Activate button to activate the plugin
- Unzip the download package
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
To getting started with the plugin, please read the Quick Start Guide.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
- How to install ? Please check bellow screenshots.
== Screenshots ==
- Plugin page
- List Candidates
- Add Candidate
- CSV Sample
- Import Step1
- Import Step2
- Import Step3
== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
KPS Plugin can Add Candidate First Name, Last Name, Email, Gender , Hobbies
Can Bulk Import.
== Upgrade Notice ==
Since version 5.0.0, the plugin requires PHP >= 5.3. If you use an older PHP version, please ask your host to upgrade or use an older version of KPS Interview.