A curated list of awesome Thingsboard cool things that for some reasons still are not in the official repository:
- Call REST endpoints that are not exposed in service map
- Assign default dashboard to user with fullscreen mode
- Widget Time Window Callback
- Export Image to File
- Back Button
- Location from Browser
- Colorize table rows without row style function
- Collibellex-Thingsboard-Widgets - widget library for Thingsboard CE/PE 3.0+
- Multiple Devices in HTML/Markdown widget
- Cards Rendering Widget
- AbCthings widgets - chart and gauge widgets
- thingsboard-widget - inter-widget communication, based on thingsboard/thingsboard#976
- ATAW - Advanced Thingsboard Attribute Widget
- hasankarainfo' widgets - widgets bundle includes Last Value Chart, Digital Gauge Card and Delete Time Series widget
- Time dependent polygon map widget - widget displays polygons in different time slices
- Image Viewer From Base64
- Simple Button With HTTP Request
- QR code scanner - decode QR code using web or phone camera
- Circle progress bar in table
- Custom Widgets - several custom widgets
- Energy widget for IRIS - simple energy widget with real-time data
- Menu based on (customer) device types
- Live-USB-Webcam-Streaming - stream USB Webcam to Thingsboard and detects the human faces
- Smart-farming-dashboard - rule chain and dashboard for Thingsboard PE
- Fleet monitoring - Confluent Cloud / ThingsBoard Cloud integration IoT demo
- node-red-contrib-thingsboard-pe-rest-api - Node-RED node for thingsboard-pe-rest-api
- Workaround for Cyclic Rule Chains Scenario
- Thingsboard API token - get token to call Thingsboard REST API
- TTL for Postgres database
- Smart-farming-dashboard - rule chain and dashboard for Thingsboard PE
- Fleet monitoring - Confluent Cloud / ThingsBoard Cloud integration IoT demo
- Assign dashboard to new user
- Laravel ThingsBoard.io Client - PHP Laravel client
- Esys Thingsboard Client - .Net HTTP and MQTT Api client for Thingsboard.io.
- thingsboard-ruby
- Thingsboard.NET - .NET client library for Thingsboard IoT Platform
- Thingsboard Javascript SDK
- Thebex - Elixir client for the ThingsBoard REST API
- Rthingsboard - R package for interacting with the API of ThingsBoard
- ThingsBoardDotNet - .Net library designed to work with ThingsBoard platform
- thingsboard-telemetry-stream - fetch data from the Thingsboard telemetry WebSocket API
- Thingsboard tools - provides API service with various features
- thingsboard-data-migration - data migration between two instances of ThingsBoard
- Thingsboard-Load-Test - automated load testing tool for Thingsboard
- TB-CLI - command-line Interface for Thingsboard
- tb-migration - scripts for exporting and importing data using ThingsBoard API
- tb-scripts - Bash scripts for managing Thingsboard database and server
- tb-exporter - script to fetch the data for a DEVICE from ThingsBoard and merge all of the columns into one, easier to use CSV
- thingsboard-sandbox - simple service that can listen the request and response result
- Grafana/Prometheus for Docker monolith
- AI based IoT Smart Farming Solution
- Embedded-System-for-Chronic-Disease-Patient-Monitoring-using-IoT
- Offline-first Smart Energy Monitoring
- Avantec Thermostat - Using Avantec HVAC device with ThingsBoard
- ESP32-Thingsboard-IoT-Dashboard - MQTT and I2C protocols to set up cloud-enabled dashboard with ESP32 and Arduino
- TTGO ESP32 CO2 Monitor
- ESP32-PulseMeter
- ESP32 ThingsBoard MQTT Client library
- Chirpstack http integration from CNDINGTEK lorawan sensor
- tfluna - forward TF-Luna LIDAR sensor events over OSC, UDP, or Thingsboard.
- IoT Agriculture Monitoring System - monitoring system uses ESP8266 microcontroller such as NodeMCU and WeMos D1 R2 to monitor and upload plant's parameters
- LORAPERTURA - IOT device in the things network for door status and weather station
- CF Arduino Humidifier - configurable humidifier using ESP8266, ultrasonic atomizer and ThingsBoard as server
- SGP30 - SGP30 CO2 and VOC Sensing with A Raspberry Pi
- Weight scale IoT by ESP32
- Arduino_To_Thingsboard - send data to Thingsboard from Arduino Mega 2560
- TTGO-T-Beam-GeoTracker - geotrace each data point
- STM32 IoT Discovery Board Tutorial
- qESP32 WiFi and Bluetooth ESP32 IOT DevKit
- Farm_IoT_ESP32Cam - IoT crop monitoring device
- qTop_BG9x_AxC_ThingsBoard - qTop-BG9x-AxC Adafruit Feather Compatible / Arduino MKR Compatible Shield ThingsBoard Local Condition Monitoring Demo
- qTop_BG96_AFC_ThingsBoard - qTop-BG96-AFC Adafruit Feather Compatible Shield ThingsBoard Local Condition Monitoring Demo
- Park-Assist-with-Thingsboard-and-Telegram - An ESP8266-based device using ultrasonic sensor to help driver park car at the correct position
- smart-home-security - mock smart home security system
- tasmota-thingsboard-daemon - bridge between tasmota devices and ThingsBoard server
- IoTGateway - a cross-platform IoT gateway based on .net6
- The Things Stack to ThingsBoard Community Edition connector
- Thingsboard-HomematicIP Bridge
- thoscy - relay messages between a ThingsBoard server and OSC (Open Sound Control)
- Edgex-thingsboard - micro service that connects Edgex to Thingsboard by MQTT
- rusty-mqtt - a bridge between the MQTT broker of TTN and ThingsBoard in Rust
- Thingboard Smart Gateway - POC for distributed event driven application based on Redis, Spring Boot 3 and Apache Camel 4
- thingsboard-aws-eb - ThingsBoard dockerized application deployment to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Thingsboard on Nutanix Karbon Platform Services - deploy Thingsboard on-top of Nutanix Karbon Platform Services
- Docker Compose health checking via opened ports
- Startup failures of rule chain nodes
- Java heap configuration in Kubernetes
- Redis policy for caching attributes
Your contributions are always welcome!
If you have any questions about this opinionated list, do not hesitate to open an issue on GitHub.