This library was implemented from official documentations to understand the protocol as a whole.
It is mostly intended for pedagogical and learning use.
Run composer install to get dependencies and autoload :
composer install
Set up your web server to have 3 websites on 3 distinct hosts :
- Your OAuth 1.0 server : examples/oauth1.0-server/
- Your OAuth 2.0 server : examples/oauth2.0-server/
- Your test client : examples/client/
In the examples/client/index.php file, replace oauth(1.0|2.0).local host by your actual server hosts created previously.
For testing purposes, this exemples are using session as data store which should never be used in production !
You can change the files in examples/src/ and create your own server and data store relying on a database.
To set up a server, just create a subclass of OAuth1ApiServer or OAuth2ApiServer depending on the version you plan to use.
You will have to implement the Data Store on your own database to get a working server.
* OAuth 2.0 Server example
use DevSeb\OAuthPhpLib\OAuth\OAuthAccessToken;
use DevSeb\OAuthPhpLib\OAuth\OAuthConsumer;
use DevSeb\OAuthPhpLib\OAuth\OAuthRefreshToken;
use DevSeb\OAuthPhpLib\OAuth\OAuthRequestToken;
use DevSeb\OAuthPhpLib\OAuth\OAuthToken;
use DevSeb\OAuthPhpLib\Server\OAuth2ApiServer;
use DevSeb\OAuthPhpLib\Client\HttpRequest;
class MyOAuth2ApiServer extends OAuth2ApiServer
public function __construct(HttpRequest $Request)
// OAuth2ApiServer implementation
// TODO: implement Data Store
protected function getConsumer($consumerKey){}
protected function getConsumerFromToken($tokenKey){}
protected function getToken(OAuthConsumer $Consumer, $tokenKey, $tokenType){}
protected function newRequestToken(OAuthConsumer $Consumer, $redirectUri = ''){}
protected function newAccessToken(OAuthConsumer $Consumer, OAuthRequestToken $RequestToken = null, OAuthRefreshToken $RefreshToken = null){}
protected function newRefreshToken(OAuthConsumer $Consumer, OAuthAccessToken $RequestToken = null){}
protected function showLoginPage(){}
protected function authenticateUser(OAuthConsumer $Consumer, $username, $password){}
The client library can be used with any OAuth server. In the below example, replace the upper case dummy values :
* 3-legged OAuth 2.0 Client example
use DevSeb\OAuthPhpLib\Client\OAuth2ApiClient;
use DevSeb\OAuthPhpLib\OAuth\OAuthRequest;
use DevSeb\OAuthPhpLib\OAuth\OAuthAccessToken;
use DevSeb\OAuthPhpLib\OAuth\OAuthRequestToken;
use DevSeb\OAuthPhpLib\OAuth\OAuthConsumer;
$Consumer = new OAuthConsumer('API_CONSUMER_KEY', 'API_CONSUMER_SECRET');
$Client = new OAuth2ApiClient('API_URL', $Consumer);
// Authenticate user
$Client->authenticate('AUTHENTICATION_CALLBACK_URL', 'scope', 'state');
// => redirect to authentication page
// ... authenticate
// <= redirect to callback URL with code
// Get RequestToken
$requestToken = $_GET['code'];
// Get AccessToken and RefreshToken from RequestToken
$RequestToken = new OAuthRequestToken($requestToken);
list($AccessToken, $RefreshToken) = $Client->getAccessTokenFromAuthorizationCode($RequestToken);
// Call API using AccessToken
$Request = new OAuthRequest('API_URL');
$Response = $Client->getOAuthResponse($Request, $AccessToken);
The PHP API is documented in doc/index.html
The basic description of the different flows depending on OAuth version and usage are as follow :
Official documentation :
1-legged OAuth 1.0a :
Consumer Server
1. Request access token
2. Issue an access token
3. Call protected API
4. Send response
2-legged OAuth 1.0a :
Consumer Server
1. Request a token
2. Issue a request token
3. Request access token
4. Issue an access token
5. Call protected API
6. Send response
3-legged OAuth 1.0a :
Browser Consumer Server
1. Request a token
2. Issue a request token
3. Redirect to auth page
4. Grant access to consumer
5. Confirm user authorization
6. Redirect to callback
7. Request access token
8. Issue an access token
9. Call protected API
10. Send response
Official documentation :
2-legged OAuth 2.0 :
Consumer Server
1. Request access token
2. Issue an access token
3. Call protected API
4. Send response
3-legged OAuth 2.0 :
Browser Consumer Server
1. Redirect to auth page
2. Grant access to customer
3. Confirm user authorization
4. Redirect to callback
5. Request access token
6. Issue an access token
7. Call protected API
8. Send response