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add transformation between Collins-Gisin and full probability represe…
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…ntations for behaviours
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araujoms committed Dec 7, 2024
1 parent adea0f8 commit 3069876
Showing 1 changed file with 103 additions and 49 deletions.
152 changes: 103 additions & 49 deletions src/nonlocal.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ function _update_odometer!(ind::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, upper_lim::Integer)
return # always return if the odometer doesn't turn over

Expand All @@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ Upper bounds the Tsirelson bound of a bipartite Bell funcional game `CG`, writte
This function requires [Moment]( It is only available if you first do "import MATLAB" or "using MATLAB".
function tsirelson_bound(CG::Matrix{<:Real}, scenario::Vector{<:Integer}, level)
error("This function requires MATLAB. Do `import MATLAB` or `using MATLAB` in order to enable it.")
return error("This function requires MATLAB. Do `import MATLAB` or `using MATLAB` in order to enable it.")
export tsirelson_bound

Expand All @@ -124,36 +125,62 @@ If `behaviour` is `true` do instead the transformation for behaviours. Doesn't a
Also accepts the arguments of `tensor_probability` (state and measurements) for convenience.
function tensor_collinsgisin(V::AbstractArray{T, 4}, behaviour::Bool = false) where {T}
oa, ob, ia, ib = size(V)
alice_pars = ia * (oa - 1) + 1
bob_pars = ib * (ob - 1) + 1
aindex(a, x) = 1 + a + (x - 1) * (oa - 1)
bindex(b, y) = 1 + b + (y - 1) * (ob - 1)

CG = zeros(T, alice_pars, bob_pars)
function tensor_collinsgisin(p::AbstractArray{T, N2}, behaviour::Bool = false) where {T, N2}
@assert iseven(N2)
N = N2 ÷ 2

if ~behaviour
CG[1, 1] = sum(V[oa, ob, :, :])
N == 2 || error("Multipartite transformation for functionals not yet implemented.")
oa, ob, ia, ib = size(p)
alice_pars = ia * (oa - 1) + 1
bob_pars = ib * (ob - 1) + 1
aindex(a, x) = 1 + a + (x - 1) * (oa - 1)
bindex(b, y) = 1 + b + (y - 1) * (ob - 1)
CG = zeros(T, alice_pars, bob_pars)
CG[1, 1] = sum(p[oa, ob, :, :])
for a in 1:(oa - 1), x in 1:ia
CG[aindex(a, x), 1] = sum(V[a, ob, x, :] - V[oa, ob, x, :])
CG[aindex(a, x), 1] = sum(p[a, ob, x, :] - p[oa, ob, x, :])
for b in 1:(ob - 1), y in 1:ib
CG[1, bindex(b, y)] = sum(V[oa, b, :, y] - V[oa, ob, :, y])
CG[1, bindex(b, y)] = sum(p[oa, b, :, y] - p[oa, ob, :, y])
for a in 1:(oa - 1), b in 1:(ob - 1), x in 1:ia, y in 1:ib
CG[aindex(a, x), bindex(b, y)] = V[a, b, x, y] - V[a, ob, x, y] - V[oa, b, x, y] + V[oa, ob, x, y]
CG[aindex(a, x), bindex(b, y)] = p[a, b, x, y] - p[a, ob, x, y] - p[oa, b, x, y] + p[oa, ob, x, y]
CG[1, 1] = sum(V) / (ia * ib)
for x in 1:ia, a in 1:(oa - 1)
CG[aindex(a, x), 1] = sum(V[a, b, x, y] for b in 1:ob, y in 1:ib) / ib
scenario = size(p)
outs = scenario[1:N]
num_outs = prod(outs)

ins = scenario[(N + 1):(2 * N)]
num_ins = prod(ins)

p2cg(a, x) = (a .!= outs) .* (a + (x .- 1) .* (outs .- 1)) .+ 1

cgdesc = ins .* (outs .- 1) .+ 1
cgprodsizes = ones(Int, N)
for i in 1:N
cgprodsizes[i] = prod(cgdesc[1:(i - 1)])
for y in 1:ib, b in 1:(ob - 1)
CG[1, bindex(b, y)] = sum(V[a, b, x, y] for a in 1:oa, x in 1:ia) / ia
cgindex(posvec) = cgprodsizes' * (posvec .- 1) + 1
prodsizes = ones(Int, 2 * N)
for i in 1:(2 * N)
prodsizes[i] = prod(scenario[1:(i - 1)])
for x in 1:ia, y in 1:ib
CG[aindex(1, x):aindex(oa - 1, x), bindex(1, y):bindex(ob - 1, y)] = V[1:(oa - 1), 1:(ob - 1), x, y]
pindex(posvec) = prodsizes' * (posvec .- 1) + 1
CG = zeros(T, cgdesc...)

for inscalar in 0:(num_ins - 1)
invec = 1 .+ _digits_mixed_basis(inscalar, ins)
for outscalar in 0:(num_outs - 1)
outvec = 1 .+ _digits_mixed_basis(outscalar, outs)
for outscalar2 in 0:(num_outs - 1)
outvec2 = 1 .+ _digits_mixed_basis(outscalar2, outs)
if (outvec .!= outs) .* outvec == (outvec .!= outs) .* outvec2
CG[cgindex(p2cg(outvec, invec))] += p[pindex([outvec2; invec])] / prod(ins[outvec .== outs])
return CG
Expand All @@ -169,52 +196,79 @@ end
export tensor_collinsgisin

tensor_probability(CG::Matrix, scenario::Vector, behaviour::Bool = false)
tensor_probability(CG::Array{T, N}, scenario::Vector, behaviour::Bool = false)
Takes a bipartite Bell functional `CG` in Collins-Gisin notation and transforms it to full probability notation.
`scenario` is a vector detailing the number of inputs and outputs, in the order [oa, ob, ia, ib].
If `behaviour` is `true` do instead the transformation for behaviours. Doesn't assume normalization.
function tensor_probability(CG::AbstractMatrix{T}, scenario::Vector{<:Integer}, behaviour::Bool = false) where {T}
oa, ob, ia, ib = scenario
aindex(a, x) = 1 + a + (x - 1) * (oa - 1)
bindex(b, y) = 1 + b + (y - 1) * (ob - 1)

V = Array{T, 4}(undef, (oa, ob, ia, ib))
function tensor_probability(CG::AbstractArray{T, N}, scenario::Vector{<:Integer}, behaviour::Bool = false) where {T, N}
p = zeros(T, scenario...)

if ~behaviour
N == 2 || error("Multipartite transformation for functionals not yet implemented.")
oa, ob, ia, ib = scenario
aindex(a, x) = 1 + a + (x - 1) * (oa - 1)
bindex(b, y) = 1 + b + (y - 1) * (ob - 1)
for x in 1:ia, y in 1:ib
V[oa, ob, x, y] = CG[1, 1] / (ia * ib)
p[oa, ob, x, y] = CG[1, 1] / (ia * ib)
for x in 1:ia, y in 1:ib, b in 1:(ob - 1)
V[oa, b, x, y] = CG[1, 1] / (ia * ib) + CG[1, bindex(b, y)] / ia
p[oa, b, x, y] = CG[1, 1] / (ia * ib) + CG[1, bindex(b, y)] / ia
for x in 1:ia, y in 1:ib, a in 1:(oa - 1)
V[a, ob, x, y] = CG[1, 1] / (ia * ib) + CG[aindex(a, x), 1] / ib
p[a, ob, x, y] = CG[1, 1] / (ia * ib) + CG[aindex(a, x), 1] / ib
for x in 1:ia, y in 1:ib, a in 1:(oa - 1), b in 1:(ob - 1)
V[a, b, x, y] =
CG[1, 1] / (ia * ib) +
CG[aindex(a, x), 1] / ib +
CG[1, bindex(b, y)] / ia +
CG[aindex(a, x), bindex(b, y)]
p[a, b, x, y] = CG[1, 1] / (ia * ib) + CG[aindex(a, x), 1] / ib + CG[1, bindex(b, y)] / ia + CG[aindex(a, x), bindex(b, y)]
for x in 1:ia, y in 1:ib
V[1:(oa - 1), 1:(ob - 1), x, y] = CG[aindex(1, x):aindex(oa - 1, x), bindex(1, y):bindex(ob - 1, y)]
V[1:(oa - 1), ob, x, y] =
CG[aindex(1, x):aindex(oa - 1, x), 1] -
sum(CG[aindex(1, x):aindex(oa - 1, x), bindex(1, y):bindex(ob - 1, y)]; dims = 2)
V[oa, 1:(ob - 1), x, y] =
CG[1, bindex(1, y):bindex(ob - 1, y)] -
vec(sum(CG[aindex(1, x):aindex(oa - 1, x), bindex(1, y):bindex(ob - 1, y)]; dims = 1))
V[oa, ob, x, y] =
CG[1, 1] - sum(CG[aindex(1, x):aindex(oa - 1, x), 1]) -
sum(CG[1, bindex(1, y):bindex(ob - 1, y)]) +
sum(CG[aindex(1, x):aindex(oa - 1, x), bindex(1, y):bindex(ob - 1, y)])
outs = scenario[1:N]
num_outs = prod(outs)

ins = scenario[(N + 1):(2 * N)]
num_ins = prod(ins)

p2cg(a, x) = (a .!= outs) .* (a + (x .- 1) .* (outs .- 1)) .+ 1

cgdesc = size(CG)
cgprodsizes = ones(Int, N)
for i in 1:N
cgprodsizes[i] = prod(cgdesc[1:(i - 1)])
cgindex(posvec) = cgprodsizes' * (posvec .- 1) + 1

prodsizes = ones(Int, 2 * N)
for i in 1:(2 * N)
prodsizes[i] = prod(scenario[1:(i - 1)])
pindex(posvec) = prodsizes' * (posvec .- 1) + 1

for inscalar in 0:(num_ins - 1)
invec = 1 .+ _digits_mixed_basis(inscalar, ins)
for outscalar in 0:(num_outs - 1)
outvec = 1 .+ _digits_mixed_basis(outscalar, outs)
for outscalar2 in 0:(num_outs - 1)
outvec2 = 1 .+ _digits_mixed_basis(outscalar2, outs)
if (outvec .!= outs) .* outvec == (outvec .!= outs) .* outvec2
ndiff = abs(sum(outvec .!= outs) - sum(outvec2 .!= outs))
p[pindex([outvec; invec])] += (-1)^ndiff * CG[cgindex(p2cg(outvec2, invec))]
return p

function _digits_mixed_basis(ind, bases)
N = length(bases)
digits = zeros(Int, N)
for i in N:-1:1
digits[i] = mod(ind, bases[i])
ind = div(ind, bases[i])
return V
return digits

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -257,7 +311,7 @@ If all parties apply the same measurements, use the shorthand notation.
function tensor_probability(
rho::Hermitian{T1, Matrix{T1}},
first_Aax::Vector{Measurement{T2}}, # needed so that T2 is not unbounded
) where {T1, T2}
T = real(promote_type(T1, T2))
all_Aax = (first_Aax, other_Aax...)
Expand Down

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