API Project: URL Shortener Microservice for freeCodeCamp (https://url-shortener-td.herokuapp.com/)
- I can POST a URL to [project_url]/api/shorturl/new and I will receive a shortened URL in the JSON response. Example : {"original_url":"www.google.com","short_url":1}
- If I pass an invalid URL that doesn't follow the valid http(s)://www.example.com(/more/routes) format, the JSON response will contain an error like {"error":"invalid URL"}. HINT: to be sure that the submitted url points to a valid site you can use the function dns.lookup(host, cb) from the dns core module.
- When I visit the shortened URL, it will redirect me to my original link.
This app requires Node.js v12.18.x + to run. You need a MongoDB uri to run this project MongoDB Atlas. After you get the URI, you need to create a file .env in the main folder and add the URI to the variable DB_URI.
Install the dependencies
$ cd URL-shortener-microservice
$ npm install -d
$ npm start