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CarolHayes edited this page Sep 29, 2014 · 6 revisions

1. Questions

Ask question

  1. Ask question without approving
  2. Ask question with approval
  3. Ask question with approval but not private
  4. Ask question without private
  5. Ask question with private
  6. Ask question with private, not approval
  7. Ask question with both private and approval
  8. Ask question without title
  9. Ask question with long/short title
  10. Ask question with tags, category
  11. Ask question without tags. category
  12. Ask question with content which has code snippet
  13. Ask question as subscriber
  14. Ask question as admin
  15. Ask question as anonymous without registering
  16. Ask question as anonymous must registering
  17. Ask question as anonymous without regestering and must wait for approval
  18. Ask question as anonymous wihthout registering and not wait for approval
  19. Ask question as subscriber with private question and without approval
  20. Ask question as subscriber with private question and need to waith approval
  21. Ask question as subscriber

Edit question

  1. Edit both title and content
  2. Edit the content only
  3. Edit the title only

Delete the question

( Delete all answers, comments of the question, not affect on other questions, comments, answers )

Vote up the question

Vote down the question

Follow the question

Just subscribers, users signed already up.

Switch private/ public question

The question author and admin can switch private/public question

Change status of the question: Open, Close, Pending, Resolved

Permission: only author question and admin can change.

As admin can pin/unpin the question at the top

Only admin can do.

Comment the question

  1. As admin
  2. As subscriber
  3. Editor
  4. Anonymous

Edit the comment of the question

  1. Just some user roles and comment author have permission to delete
  2. Must update content correctly
  3. Without broken layout.

Delete the comment of the question

  1. Just delete the commnet selected, not other
  2. Just some user roles and comment author have permission to delete

2. Answers

Answer question

  1. answer question as subscriber who has not permission
  2. Answer question as subscriber must login
  3. Answer question as anonymous who has not permission
  4. answer question as anonymous who has permission
  5. answer question as subscriber with private answer
  6. answer question as admin
  7. Answer question as admin with private answer
  8. As admin, editor, contributor can save the answer as draft
  9. As admin, editor, contributor can edit/update the answer as draft
  10. As admin can only publish the answer after saving the answer as draft

Edit Answer

  1. Only answer author and admin can edit the answer
  2. Update right
  3. Only on the answer edited
  4. Break line correctly
  5. Add image/video?
  6. Add some code

Delete the Answer

  1. Delete all comments of the answer and not affect on other answers, comments, questions
  2. Counting of the answer is down

Report the answer / Undo the report action

The answer will be flagged only for user who flagged the answer, not other users

Vote up/ down the answer

  1. Subscibers an admin can vote up/down answer
  2. Count correctly.
  3. The answer has more than 3 votes and the largest voteup will be the best answer ( if there doesn't have any best questions yet)

Pick the best answer

( the best answer will be at the top) Only admin and answer author can pick

Switch the answer public/private the answer

( admin, answer author, contributor, editor)

Comment the answer

  1. As admin comments
  2. As subscribers comment
  3. As anonymous comments when have no permission ( can not comment, and have message to inform)
  4. As anonymous comments when have permission ( Can leave the comments but must type the email)

Edit comment of the answer

  1. Admin, coment author, contributor, editor
  2. Not affect on the other comments, answers, questions

Delete comment of the answer

  1. admin, author of the comment
  2. Not affect on other comments, answers, questions

3. Others in the questions list page

Filter the question by status

  1. As admin can view all status : All, Open, need answer, answered, resolved, pending, closed, overdue
  2. As anonymous, subscriber can view: All, Open, answered, closed, resolved
  3. The results of the filter must be shown correctly
  4. Not include other results of the other status
  5. Display properly the number of the questions in right number of the pages

Search question

Search with one, two and more than two words Search with tags

Must show the questions including the searching words Display number of the questions properly

Find out the question by selecting the category

  • Show properly the questions which have the selected category

Sort the question by view, answer, vote

The questions must be displayed properly as sorted

Good Navigation and permalink of the navigation displays properly

  1. The Permarlink of the single question displays correctly
  2. The Permarlink of the category or tag of the question displays correctlly

After installing the plugin.

two pages ( DWQA Ask Question & DWQA Questions will be automatically created and assigned in General Settings)

Menu in Backend

6 menu items of the QA in back-end display right ( All Questions , Add New, Question categories, question tags, all answers, settings)

4. General Settings

Question List page:

  1. Can select and Dropdown fields should have first entry as DWQA Question, not truncated due to field size limit
  2. Display properly as selected in back-end

Archive page show at most

  1. Can type the number of the question into the box
  2. Show correctly as settings

Ask Question Page

  1. Can select and Dropdown fields should have first entry as DWQA Ask Question, not truncated due to field size limit
  2. Display properly as selected in back-end

Private Question

  1. By default, the checkbox will be blank and not shown in the front-page
  2. If checked, the "Private" value will be appeared in the Ask Question page, user can use this function

Review Question

  1. By default, the checkbox will be blank and the new questions don't need to wait for approval
  2. If checked, just the questions of the admin don't need to approve
  3. The new questions of different user roles ( Not include admin) must be approval. It means that after asking a new question, only admin and the question author can view the question, and those have a message to inform.
  4. Regarding the private questions don't need to wait for approving

DWQA 404 Page

  1. Be default, the 404 page is default and display properly in the fron-end page
  2. If select other pages, must show correctly in the front-page

Single Question Template

  1. By default, the single.php template file will be shown
  2. In case want to select other template, just select from drop-down list
  3. After selecting, the template must be shown properly as selected in backend

Time settings

  1. It's possible to set time as you want
  2. The questions will change the status automatically as set in backend

Captcha settings

1. Captcha on Submit Question Page:

  • By default, the checkbox is blank and the captcha is disable
  • If check, you must enter Google Captcha Public Key and Google Captcha Private Key -The captcha key must correct and both public and private
  • Captcha will be shown only ask question page

2. Captcha on Single Question Page

  • By default, the checkbox is blank and the captcha is disable -If check, you must enter Google Captcha Public Key and Google Captcha Private Key -The captcha key must correct and both public and private
  • Captcha will be shown only single question page when you submit an answer

Permalink Settings

You can set permalink as you want. These must display properly in the front-page and only show when the permalink settings is not default

5. Notification

General Settings

1. Email Logo

  • You can upload the logo from your computer and it will be shown at the top of the email
  • Display properly the logo as selected

2. From Email

  • Enter the email of the sender and show correctly when sent it.

3. Send A Copy Of Every Email To Admin

  • Whenever you check here, as admin, you will receive all copies of every email

Particular Settings for each email

1. Enable/ Disable notification for new comment of answer

  • Enter Email subject as you want
  • Edit the content of the email
  • Email for new question: Send to admin to inform new question asked
  • Email for new answer: Send to the question author when having new answer
  • Email for new comment to question: Send to the author of the question when having new comment
  • Email for new comment to answer: Send to author of the answer
  • Email for new answer ( followers) : send to follower of the question
  • Email for new comment to question (followers): send to followers when having new comment to the question
  • Email for new comment to answer: Send to followers when having new comment to the answer
  • Reset the email settings: set default values for all fields of the email template

6. Permission

  1. Admin and editor has full permission
  2. Author, contributor, subscriber, anonymous can only view and post question, answer, comment
  3. Can check/uncheck to add permission for different user roles.
  4. Reset the email settings: set default values for all fields of the permission settings
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