This module was built with the explicit goal of adding a key/value pair to Google Secrets Manager and then allowing a Cloud Run/Compute instance access to the secret. There is potential that it could be used in other way, but at this point the scope is very narrow.
It is a best practice to handle everything as a secret throughout this process so no CI/CD process exposes the values. That is handled as much as it can be on this end, but the inputs need to be sanitized as well.
module "ddm-secret-key-value" {
source = "deseretdigital/ddm-secret-key-value/google"
version = "1.0.0"
# insert the 3 required variables here
Name | Description | Example | Default |
service_account |
The service account that will need access to the key. | {NUMBERS}[email protected] |
none |
secret_key |
The key for the secret. | "treasure-location" | none |
secret_value |
The value for the secret. | "treasure map directions" | none |