The DDM Tech Team Blog is intended to be the place for DDMers to blog about solutions and things they find helpful.
It is a statically generated blog hosted by GitHub so we don't have to worry about security patches and keeping it up to date like with WordPress.
We've migrated the blog from Jekyll, which required all sorts of correct gems installed, to Hexo which is easier to install and use. The hexo documentation is pretty helpful if you want to make some more significant changes.
You'll need Node and NPM installed. If you're on a mac and using homebrew you can do this easily:
brew install node
Go ahead a clone the blog at Once you've finished, cd into the directory and then run the following commands:
# Globally install the hexo tool
npm install -g hexo
# Install the local npm dependencies
npm install
You can preview any changes you've made by running the hexo server
JustinCarmony-Macbook in ~/git/ddm/
± |source ✓| → hexo server
[info] Hexo is running at http://localhost:4000/. Press Ctrl+C to stop.
You'll want to make sure you are on the source branch, and not master. Master is where the generated files will be.
The blog uses GitHub flavored markdown (basics, advanced).
All of the files for the blog's content can be found under the [source](source)
You can add a new post by running the command:
hexo new post the-title-you-want-sluggified
It will create a file in the right format under [source/_posts](source/_posts)
Just update the content and it'll show up automatically under the preview.
Make sure you commit your changes to the source
branch and then push those up.
Then you just need to generate and deploy the new generated source:
hexo generate
hexo deploy
Then within 10 minutes the github page should update and show your changes. Awesome!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask Justin Carmony.