DDM Security provides classes to simplify the creation of nonces and signatures needed to work with DDM API's. These classes can also be used to verify nonces and signatures.
use DDM\Security;
$nonce = Security\Nonce::generateNonce();
$signature = Security\Signature::generateSignature($token, $nonce, $secret);
use DDM\Security;
$nonceParts = Security\Nonce::splitNonce($nonce);
list($nonceTimestamp, $nonceSalt) = $nonceParts
$isNonceTimeValid = Security\Nonce::validateNonceTime($nonceTimestamp);
// Code to check if nonce has not yet been used.
// Could check database, memcache, etc. for usage of nonce
$isSignatureValid = Security\Signature::validateSignature(