Releases: derele/MultiAmplicon
Releases · derele/MultiAmplicon
A working release for a paper on fox helminths (see Many of the bugs still need to be fixed.
This version has large changes in the data-architecture: it uses a matrix structure each for the reverse and forward ASV x sample sorted sequence files. This helps further development being more intuitive than the previous (depreciated PairdReadFile specially created object type) data structure.
This is working flawlessly with the code as in the above analysis repository. Many features (sbsetting, pipeline tracking, see open issues) still have to be fixed.
Bug fix version 0.1.1
- The package was stable and working a few commits ago (on master).
- This commit additionally solves some problems with vignettes on TravisCI
- in future you can rely on master representing working (largely bug free) versions, development versions will be on the devel branch