The objective of this reposisitory is to demonstrate distributed computing using xarray and Dask.
Docker Compose is used to create containers running Jupyter Lab, Dask Scheduler, and Dask Worker. The purpose of using Docker Compose rather than using a Dask LocalCluster was to better resemble distributed computing across multiple nodes. For this example, the cluster contains three worker nodes. Each node has one worker process, three threads, and a 4GB memory limit. Also, a volume is created and attached to each container.
To install the environment for this repo, you first need to have Docker Desktop and make installed. Once installed:
git clone
cd xarray_dask_example
make docker/start
Jupyter Lab is accessible at http://localhost:8890/lab. The xarray_dask_example.ipynb notebook provides an example of using the cluster built with Docker Compose to perform distributed computing with xarray and Dask.
The Dask dashboard is accessible at http://localhost:8789/status and can be used to monitor computations.
- Change dask worker nworkers, nthreads, and memory-limit arguments in Dockerfile based on user input.