Qt5 library for the Telegram Bot API (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api). It can be used to interact with the API directly and/or configured to automatically notify you on updates using Qt’s signals and slots. You need a bot token to make API calls. Text the @botfather to create a new bot and obtain a token.
Create a lib directory in your project directory and cd into it:
mkdir lib && cd lib
Clone the repo to your projects source directory:
git clone https://github.com/iMoritz/QtTelegramBot.git
Alternatively you can add QtTelegramBot as a git submodule to always stay up-to-date:
git submodule add https://github.com/iMoritz/QtTelegramBot.git
In your project file (project.pro) add this include:
Now you can use the Bot classes using:
#include "qttelegrambot.h"
Everything in QtTelegramBot is in the Telegram
Examples can be found in the examples
directory. You can build them in QtCreator or using the command line.