👧 I am a PhD student in Physics at IFT (Institute of Theoretical Physics) of the UNESP University in Sao Paulo, Brazil. My PhD research encompasses epidemic modeling of tropical diseases. My main research interests include mathematical epidemiology and ecology. I hold a MSc and BSc in Physics from Instituto Balseiro, an engineering and physics institute in my home country of Argentina. Throughout my MSc research, I studied the spread of COVID-19 in Argentina, using government data.
💻 I am most proficient in Python, R and C/C++ programming languages. Additionally, I have knowledge of SQL and basic HTML.
⚛️ I have skills in mathematical modeling, statistics, programming, data science, machine learning and deep learning acquired by my training as a physicist and as a researcher, as well as self-study.
🔭 I am interested in learning more about data science and machine learning, cloud services and web development.
🌱 I am currently learning the Julia language.
⚡ I am also very interested in human languages, including Spanish, English, Portuguese and French.
📫 How to reach me: @DeniseSCamm on Twitter, [email protected] for emails.