This plugin provides vim integration with SourceKittenDaemon. This means you can have autocomplete for Swift projects in vim.
This plugin uses the normal 'omnifunc'
infrastructure. By default
completion is mapped to <C-x><C-o>
. See :help 'omnifunc'
for more
- SourceKittenDaemon doesn't yet provide support for
s - This plugin doesn't do anything about completion tokens (meaning you
can't do
to jump between args as you do in Xcode) - Currently completion only seems to work after dots
- Currently you cannot configure the port used with SourceKittenDaemon, use the default 8081.
Install and setup SourceKittenDaemon.
If you don't have a preferred plugin installation method, check out vim-plug.
NOTE: This plugin doesn't provide Swift runtime files. If you'd like those checkout swift.vim
- complete for "("
- pass string before dot to server for cache
- skip if there are blanks between dot or "(" with cursor
- jump to placeholder, and to remove patten "<#>"
Tips if set g:ycm_semantic_triggers for swift in vimrc, we can enjoy YCM.
I also fork [SourceKittenDaemon][] to add cache and sort result