These are questions that any jewelry owner asks himself. Using regression systems we are going to try to predict this for Smiles And Sparkles jewelry customers but before we enter in EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis ) and and we will discover some interesting facts about diamonds.
Containing prices and attributes for approximately 54,000 round-cut diamonds. There are 53,940 diamonds in the dataset with 10 features (carat, cut, color, clarity, depth, table, price, x, y, and z). Most variables are numeric in nature, but the variables cut, color, and clarity are ordered factor variables.
- Pandas # data processing, CSV file I/O (excel & text)
- Seaborn # visualizations
- # visualizations
- Plotly.graph_objects # visualizations
- Numpy # linear algebra
- Matplotlib # ploting
- Matplotlib.pyplot # ploting
- Pycaret Regression, targets : Prices and Carats