Skilo is a simple Search Engine implemented in C++ on Linux. It provides Restful API to create collection with corresponding schema, add documents to collection and word/phrase/fuzzy search services and etc.
A Chinese recipe search demo:
0x01 | 0x02 | 0x03 | 0x04 |
项目概览 | 索引实现 | Schema实现 | 查询实现 |
- Simple and easy to use RESTful API
- Nested schema field support
- Word Search/ Phrase Search / Fuzzy search & Typo tolerant
- Query by/Sort by
- Chinese Support
- Auto Suggestion
git clone --recursive
cd ./Skilo
cmake . #build dependencies will take a while
make install
edit the file "/etc/skilo/skilo.conf" in project root directory to change database/log directory, listen port and etc.
Create a collection
POST /collections
{ "name":"recipe", "tokenizer":"jieba", "schema":{ "type":"object", "$fields": { "recipe_name":{ "type":"string", "index":true }, "difficulty":{"type":"integer"}, "rank":{"type":"integer"}, "tips":{"type":"string"}, "ingredients": { "type": "array", "$items": { "type": "object", "$fields":{ "note": {"type": "string"}, "title": {"type": "string", "index":true} } } }, "steps": { "type": "array", "$items": { "type": "object", "$fields":{ "content": {"type": "string"}, "image": {"type": "string"} } } } } }, "auto_suggestion":{ "entry_num":5, "min_gram":2, "max_gram":15 } }
Add document(s) to collection
POST /collections/<collection_name>
add single document:
{ "id":1001, "recipe_name": "麻婆豆腐", "tips": "反正很好吃哦,而且做起来很简单呢", "difficulty":1, "rank":4, "ingredients": [{ "note": "500克", "title": "豆腐" }, { "note": "150克", "title": "肉末" }], "steps": [{ "content": "豆腐切一厘米见方的小块。", "image": "/recipe/image/1001/1.jpg" },{ "content": "花椒和麻椒冷油下锅,慢火2-3分钟爆出香味后捞出扔掉。", "image": "/recipe/image/1001/2.jpg" },{ "content": "锅里底油放入蒜末和郫县豆瓣酱小火翻炒1-2分钟。", "image": "/recipe/image/1001/3.jpg" },{ "content": "然后放入肉末翻炒至熟,炒熟的肉末加入一小碗半开水煮2-3分钟。", "image": "/recipe/image/1001/4.jpg" },{ "content": "然后加入豆腐块,不要用铲子翻板,轻轻的将豆腐推开即可,在煮4-5分钟,让豆腐完全入味。", "image": "/recipe/image/1001/5.jpg" },{ "content": "出锅前加入少许淀粉水,让汤汁更加浓稠。", "image": "/recipe/image/1001/6.jpg" } ] }
add batch:
{ "docs":[ <doc1>, <doc2>, <doc3> ] }
Query Collection
GET /collections/<collection_name>/documents
in case some client doesn't support GET with body, also:
POST /collections/<collection_name>/documents
{ "query": "豆腐", "query by": ["recipe_name","ingredients.$items.title"], "boost": [2.5,1], "sort by":["difficulty:asc","rank:desc"] }
Query Result
{ "found": 2, "hits": [ { "id": "1001", "recipe_name": "麻婆豆腐", "difficulty":1, "rank":4, .... }, { "id": "1002", "recipe_name": "麻婆豆腐", "difficulty":2, "rank":3, .... } ], "scores":[14.86,5.32], "took secs": 0.000732, }
Auto Suggestion
List top K hot queries start with given prefix <query_prefix>
GET /collections/<collection_name>/auto_suggestion?q=<query_prefix>
e.g. list hot query suggestions start with "红烧" :
{ "suggestions": [ "红烧肉", "红烧狮子头", "红烧带鱼" ] }
Overall Summary
show all collections brief information
GET /collections/
we get:
{ "collections": [ {"name":"recipe","created at":"Mon Oct 2 00:59:08 2019","doc num":84231}, {"name":"order","created at":"Thu Jun 18 15:48:19 2020","doc num":5652} ] }
Collection Summary
show brief information(collection name, schema, tokenizer name, created_time, doc num...) about given collection
GET /collections/<collection_name>
Unit Test and Integration Testing are based on GoogleTest framework
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