This is the Romanian novel collection for ELTeC, the European Literary Text Collection, produced by the COST Action "Distant Reading for European Literary History" (CA16204,
General information about ELTeC releases is available at
- v0.9.0, April 2021: 95 novels encoded at level 1. DOI:
- v0.7.0, November 2020: 80 novels encoded at level 1. DOI:
- v0.6.0: This release illustrates the most representative sub-genres of the novel in the Romanian literary tradition (hajduk, city mystery, and historical) as well as a variety of editorial practices and orthographic standards used between 1840 and 1920.
Currently, the ELTeC-rom collection contains novels encoded at level 1. The corpus composition criteria are not yet fully fulfilled.
- Collection editor: Roxana Patras.
- Contributors (scanning, OCR & encoding): Ioana Lionte, Lucretia Pascariu, Alexandra Olteanu.
- Contributors (manual cleanup): Alexandra Ruscanu, Laura Ciobanu, Lorena Vlad, Manuela Ursu, Raluca Miron, Emanuela Gutu, Georgiana Apreotesei, Smarandita Vasilachi.
- Sources: Biblioteca Metropolitana din Bucuresti, Biblioteca Universitara "Mihai Eminescu" din Iasi, Biblioteca Judeteana din Botosani, personal micro-collections uploaded on Zenodo under the following labels: "Hajduks Library"; "RomanianNovel Library"; "CityMysteries Library"; "BibliotecaDHL_Iasi" .
For all novels included in this collection, scanning, OCR, and manual clean-up was performed by the Digital Humanities Laboratory (UAIC), Iasi.
All texts included in this collection are in the public domain. The textual markup is provided with a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 licence (CC BY,
Romanian Novel Collection (ELTeC-rom), edited by Roxana Patras. In: European Literary Text Collection (ELTeC). COST Action Distant Reading for European Literature. Version 0.9.0, April 2021. URL:, DOI: