package for arena adjusting the event level coordinate data available in the NHL api
Performs stadium adjustments on NHL Play-By-Play coordinate data to remove rink bias.
Great post on rink bias:
NHL API Documentation:
The pakcage is centered around the CoordinateAdjuster object. Which is built in the scikit-learn mould of having fit, transform and fit_transform.
From NHLArenaAdjuster import CoordinateAdjuster
- DataFrame):
- fits model using a method developed by Shuckers and Curro in their THoR paper.
- param data: pandas dataframe with following columns: * [x coordinate, y coordinate, arena, away team name, away shot boolean]
- return: None
CoordinateAdjuster.transform(pandas DataFrame):
- adjusts data to remove rink bias
- param data: pandas dataframe with following columns: * [x coordinate, y coordinate, arena, away team name, away shot boolean]
- return: 2xN array where N is the length of the input dataframe with columns: [ adjusted x coordinate, adjusted y coordinate ]
CoordinateAdjuster.fit_transform(pandas DataFrame):
- fits model to dataframe and then returns transformed version
- param data: pandas dataframe with following columns: * [x coordinate, y coordinate, arena, away team name, away shot boolean]
- return: 2xN array where N is the length of the input dataframe with columns: [ adjusted x coordinate, adjusted y coordinate ]