Pre-releaseThis is the first bug release for 0.1. Mainly this contains small fixes to the crate documentation and re-enables stream support for uploading parcels (yay for big files!)
You can download the prebuilt binaries for the Bindle CLI client, the Bindle server, and 2 helper CLI tools from the following links:
Once downloaded, you can follow the installation and getting started instructions
Using as a crate
Besides the pre-compiled binaries, we also publish a fully featured crate (that the binaries also use). You can find docs here.
Please note that this is NOT production-ready software, but it is in a usable/consumable state. Because this is pre-1.0 software, we make no guarantees about spec, Rust API, or CLI compatibility. However, we will do our best to call out every breaking change in future release notes. Once we hit 1.0, backwards compatibility guarantees will be in effect.
Known Issues/Missing Features
- The standalone bindle implementation does not currently handle tarballs. This will be added in a future release
What's next?
Our next anticipated version is 0.2.0 (although we will cut a 0.1.2 if necessary). Our main focus for 0.2 will be around spec improvements, API refactors, and additional features. Please give things a try and feel free to open PRs or issues with your feedback. In fact, your feedback is crucial as we continue to solidify the spec and features desired in Bindle!