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A library handling integer, floating-point number, and non-number in modern Fortran


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Numeric Library for Modern Fortran

a library handling integer, floating-point number, and non-number for modern Fortran


This library is developed to supplement the functionality of Fortran-stdlib developed by the Fortran-lang community.

Fortran does not have constants of maximum and minimum values. Those can quickly be gotten by intrinsic functions like huge() or tiny(), but I feel strange to have to write a literal that represents the result kind in the functions like huge(0).

In a situation different from that mentioned above, I sometimes check whether there is nan or inf in arrays in numerical simulation codes to verify whether a simulation has diverged.

Fortran stdlib is a great tool but does not provide functions that wrap Fortran's standard functionalities. However, I believe that such functions are worth providing from the viewpoint of improving convenience.


The Numeric Library is focused on the following scope:

  • Integer (handling integer constants, digits, convert to string with format)
  • Real (handling real constants, convert to string with format)
  • Non-number (handling quiet nan and positive/negative inf as constants, check whether an array of floating-point numbers has at least one quiet nan, positive/negative inf value.)

Getting started


  • A Fortran compiler
    • The library is tested using gfortran 10.3.0, intel fortran 2021.1
  • CMake vsertion 3.15 or later
    • The library is tested using CMake 3.20.3
  • A backend for CMake
    • THe library is tested using make for windows 3.81 as the backend
  • FORD
    • FORD is used for generating the API document.
  • fpm (optional)
    • The library supports fpm (fortran-lang/fpm) for build. fpm 0.4.0, alpha is used.
  • fypp (optional)
    • The library uses fypp for generating source code to be compiled.

Get the code

To get the code, execute the following commnad:

git clone
cd fortran-numeric

To get the code that can be built using fpm, run

git clone -b fortran-numeric-fpm
cd fortran-numeric

Code templates for fypp with the extension .fy90 can be gotten by executing the following command:

git clone -b fortran-numeric-fypp
cd fortran-numeric

Build with CMake

To configure and build, execute the following command:

cmake -B build
cmake --build build

Mod files, numeric_integer.mod, numeric_real.mod, and numeric_nonnumber.mod, will be created in build/mod directory. A library named fortran-numeric.lib or libforntra-numeric.a will be created in build/lib directory. To install library, copy mod files to your include directory and library to your library directory.

An additional option -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={Debug|Release} can used to provide the compiler options for debugging or optimizaion.

Build with fpm

To build the library using fpm, execute the following command:

fpm build

Handling fypp code templates

It is needed to generate the source codes from the fypp code templates before the build. When build with CMake, preprocessing mentioned below is not necessary because it is included in the build process.

To generate codes from fypp code templates, preprocess code templates with fypp

fypp src/integer/integer.fy90 src/integer/integer.f90
fypp src/real/real.fy90 src/real/real.f90
fypp src/nonNumber/nonNumber.fy90 src/nonNumber/nonNumber.f90


To test the library, execute the following command to run the test suite:

cmake --build build --target test

A test for numeric_integer may fail if build option -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release is not used. This is because output conversion error related to Internal Formatted Write may occur and be chacked when trying to print an integer with a smaller number of digits, for example to_string(100, digit=2).

If fpm is used for build, the test suite can be run within the framework of fpm:

fpm test


Testing is disabled on the fortran-numeric-fypp branch. This is because I cannot resolve the dependencies related to source files generated by fypp during the build process for the tests.

Once the source codes are generated, the build will succeed. To build the tests, uncomment # add_subdirectory (tests) in src/CMakeList.txt.

Quick Reference

The Numeric Library provides the following constants:

  • numeric_integer
    • Int8_Max, Int8_Min
    • Int16_Max, Int16_Min
    • Int32_Max, Int32_Min
    • Int64_Max, Int64_Min
    • result_type_int8, result_type_int16, result_type_int32, result_type_int64
      • These constants are used such as huge(result_type_int32).
  • numeric_real
    • Real32_Positive_Min, Real32_Positive_Max, Real32_Negative_Min, Real32_Negative_Max
    • Real64_Positive_Min, Real64_Positive_Max, Real64_Negative_Min, Real64_Negative_Max
    • Real32_Machine_Epsilon, Real64_Machine_Epsilon
    • result_type_real32, result_type_real64
      • These constants are used such as huge(result_type_real64).
  • numeric_nonnumber
    • Real32_Quiet_NaN, Real32_Positive_Inf, Real32_Negative_Inf
    • Real64_Quiet_NaN, Real64_Positive_Inf, Real64_Negative_Inf

The Numeric Library provides the following functions:

  • numeric_integer
    • get_digit for int8 to int 64
    • is_positive and is_negative for int8 to int 64
    • to_string for int32
      • to_string with format like to_string(val, format='(i5.4)')
      • to_string with digits like to_string(val, digit=5, zerofill=4)
  • numeric_real
    • to_string for real32 and real64
      • to_string with format like to_string(val, format='(e18.10E3)')
  • numeric_nonNumber
    • is_positive_inf, is_negative_inf, is_inf, is_non_number
    • has_nan, has_inf, and has_non_number for rank [1-3] {real32|real64} array

API Document

The API documentation can be generated using FORD.




A library handling integer, floating-point number, and non-number in modern Fortran




