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Generating sprite.png for icons

detaybey edited this page Dec 4, 2019 · 2 revisions

IcoMoon app lets you build and use your own icon packs in many different formats. It is free and can be accessed on Click on the IcoMoon App button on top right, and you'll access the application.

Click on the icons you wish to generate a sprite map from. The app will remember what you picked and you can see the list using **Selection Button **at bottom.

Once you are happy with your selection, click Generate SVG & More button at bottom left. The application will take you to a summary page where you can see the complete list of your selection, but the Generate button is now changed to Download. Click on the Download

You will receive a zip file including PNG, SVG files depending on your choice. Important file is symbol-defs.svg which is your sprite map, including all the icons in SVG format. Save this file under an accessible path under next to your assets, say /images/sprite.svg

In a sprite map you can access icons using their names after # sign For example; to use the envelope icon use the following markup:

<svg class="icon">
   <use xlink:href="../images/sprite.svg#icon-envelope"></use>

SVG is a commonly used format, but some old browsers may have problems displaying it. For this reason, your zip file also has a helper javascript file svgxuse.js ( It is a light polyfill that fetches external SVGs referenced in use elements when the browser itself fails to do so.

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