VPC and subnet should be present. Tested on Ubuntu 14.04.
Add/ change below variables in ec2_create.yml
keypair: KEY_PAIR
instance_type: t2.micro
image: ami-9abea4fb
region: AWS_REGION
vpc: VPC_ID
subnet: SUBNET_ID
ansible-playbook ec2_create.yml
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml
Application can be accessed from IP or its public DNS.
Use below pattern in tomcat/conf/server.xml valve settings and restart it.
pattern="%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i" %A %p %D %S "%{X-Forwarded-For}i" "%{SECURITY_LOGIN_NAME}s"" />
Add elasticsearch in logstash/defaults/main.yml.
Un-comment logstash role in playbook.yml and run.
ansible-playbook ec2_create.yml