Lookalike of website lybrate.com
We a team of 4 members(Harsh Chaturvedi, Sagar Biswas,
Ankur Anand,Deepak Chourasiya), with the best of our skills have completed the project in 5 days.
In case of any suggestion or query feel free to reach out to us.
Take a look - Demo
- HTML (through ejs templeate engine)
- css
- javascript
- js dom manipulation
- font Awesom icons
- bootstrap (for styling flash mesage)
- Nodejs
- mongodb atlas (for database)
- connect-flash : 0.1.1
- ejs (templeate engine) : 3.1.6
- express-session : 1.17.2
- mongoose : 5.11.15
- express(framework) : 4.17.1
- nodemon : 2.0.12
here the home, bookApointment, consultOnline, goodCart, login/signup, healthfeed and doctors sections are the part we have majorly focused to clone(create)
To explore further follow - Demo
the user flow that we tried to maintain is,
home -> healthfeed -> bookApointment -> askQuestion -> login/signup -> ask question-> forDoctors -> login/signup -> answerQuestion & view submitted responses -> healthfed(to view updated) -> home
also, to explore
home -> consultOnline -> consultNow home -> goodcart ->home
we really enjoyed this whole part of clonning and have given our best efforts to bring the BEST thing as POSSIBLE.
Harsh Chaturvedi
Sagar Biswas
Ankur Anand
Deepak Chourasiya