BigNumber(n, base) |
bytesToHex(bytes) |
bytesToUtf8String(bytesOrHexString) |
Decodes an Uint8Array or hex string into a UTF-8 string |
concatBytes(buffers) |
extractDisplayName(name) |
Should be called to get display name of contract function |
extractTypeName(name) |
Should be called to get type name of contract function |
fromAscii(str, num) |
Should be called to get hex representation (prefixed by 0x) of ascii string |
fromDecimal(value) |
Converts value to it's hex representation |
fromTwosComplement(num, bits) |
If the bit N is 1 |
fromWei(num, unit) |
Takes a number of wei and converts it to any other ether unit. Possible units are: SI Short SI Full Effigy Other - kwei femtoether babbage - mwei picoether lovelace - gwei nanoether shannon nano - -- microether szabo micro - -- milliether finney milli - ether -- -- - kether -- grand - mether - gether - tether |
fromWei(num, unit) |
getAddress(address) |
getValueOfUnit(_unit) |
Returns value of unit in Wei |
hexToBytes(hex) |
inputAddressFormatter(address) |
inputBlockNumberFormatter(blockNumber) |
inputCallFormatter(options) |
Formats the input of a transaction and converts all values to HEX |
inputDefaultBlockNumberFormatter(blockNumber) |
inputFilterOptions(options) |
inputPostFormatter(post) |
Formats the input of a whisper post and converts all values to HEX |
inputTransactionFormatter(options) |
Formats the input of a transaction and converts all values to HEX |
inputTransactionId(txId) |
Ensures a correct transactionId is provided |
isAddress(address) |
Checks if the given string is an address |
isArray(object) |
Returns true if object is array, otherwise false |
isBigNumber(object) |
Returns true if object is BigNumber, otherwise false |
isBloom(bloom) |
Returns true if given string is a valid Ethereum block header bloom. |
isBoolean(object) |
Returns true if object is boolean, otherwise false |
isChecksumAddress(_address) |
Checks if the given string is a checksummed address |
isFunction(object) |
Returns true if object is function, otherwise false |
isHex(value) |
Converts value to it's decimal representation in string |
isJson(str) |
Returns true if given string is valid json object |
isObject(object) |
Returns true if object is Objet, otherwise false |
isPredefinedBlockNumber(blockNumber) |
Returns true if the provided blockNumber is 'latest', 'pending' or 'earliest |
isStrictAddress(address) |
Checks if the given string is strictly an address |
isString(value) |
Returns true if object is string, otherwise false |
isTopic(topic) |
Returns true if given string is a valid log topic. |
isValidResponse(response) |
Should be called to check if jsonrpc response is valid |
outputBigNumberFormatter(output) |
Should format the output to a big number |
outputBlockFormatter(block) |
Formats the output of a block to its proper value |
outputLogFormatter(log) |
Formats the output of a log |
outputPostFormatter(post) |
Formats the output of a received post message |
outputSyncingFormatter(result) |
outputTransactionFormatter(tx) |
Formats the output of a transaction to its proper values |
outputTransactionReceiptFormatter(receipt) |
Formats the output of a transaction receipt to its proper values |
padLeft(str, chars, sign) |
Should be called to pad string to expected length |
padRight(str, chars, sign) |
Should be called to pad string to expected length |
sha3(value, options) |
signedIsNegative(value, bits) |
Check if input value is negative in twos complement |
stringToUtf8Bytes(str) |
Converts a string into a Uint8Array encoded with UTF-8 |
toAddress(address) |
Transforms given string to valid 20 bytes-length addres with 0x prefix |
toArray(value) |
Ensures the result will be an array |
toAscii(hex) |
Should be called to get ascii from it's hex representation |
toBatchPayload(messages) |
Should be called to create batch payload object |
toBigNumber(_num) |
Takes an input and transforms it into an bignumber |
toBoolean(value) |
Converts value to it's boolean representation (x != 0) |
toChecksumAddress(_address) |
Makes a checksum address |
toData(val) |
Converts value to it's hex representation in string |
toDecimal(value) |
Converts value to it's decimal representation in string |
toHex(val) |
Auto converts any given value into it's hex representation. And even stringifys objects before. |
toJsonRpcRequest(method, params) |
Should be called to valid json create payload object |
toNullDecimal(value) |
Converts value to it's decimal representation in string |
toString_2(value) |
Converts value to string |
toStringData(val) |
Converts a UTF8 string to it's hex representation as a 0x string. If the argument is already a 0xHEX prefixed string, the conversion is skipped. |
toTwosComplement(num, bits) |
Takes and input transforms it into bignumber and if it is negative value, into two's complement |
toWei(num, unit) |
Takes a number of a unit and converts it to wei. Possible units are: SI Short SI Full Effigy Other - kwei femtoether babbage - mwei picoether lovelace - gwei nanoether shannon nano - -- microether szabo micro - -- milliether finney milli - ether -- -- - kether -- grand - mether - gether - tether |
transformToFullName(json) |
Should be used to create full function/event name from json abi |