This application shows how to read a file and generate metrics based on the contents of that file.
The code showcases two different ways to read a file
- Buffered Approach - the whole file is buffered into memory in a single chunk and processed in one step
- Streaming Approach - the file is streamed into memory in multiple chunks and processed in multiple steps
- The code is simpler to understand as the logic is sequential
- The code will run faster as everything it needs is in memory
- The program will crash with a file too large to fit in memory
- The program can potentially fill up memory affecting system performance
- The code can process files larger than that which can fit into memory
- The code can tune chunk size to ensure not too much memory is used up
- The code is harder to understand as the logic is concurrent
- The code will run slower as the file is loaded in multiple chunks to be processed
- Install Node 7.8.0
Open up a command line
Install the project dependencies
$ npm install
Run the application to produce outputs from running both approaches on same text file
$ npm start
Confirm the results of running both approaches produce the same output (For example on Mac OS X)
$ diff output/buffered.json output/streamed.json
Take a sneak peek to check word count and primality (For example on Mac OS X)
$ head -n 30 output/buffered.json
$ head -n 30 output/streamed.json
Run the tests
$ npm test
View the test results in your browser (For example on Mac OS X)
$ open coverage/lcov-report/index.html
- Node - used to build and run the application