Mijn.Host has released their own version of a certbot plugin: https://github.com/mijnhost/certbot-dns-mijn-host
- python3
- python3-pip
- certbot (installed by pip)
To install download the released .whl file and in a terminal in the same directory run:
pip install certbot_dns_mijnhost-<VERSION>-py3-none-any.whl --break-system-packages
Usage: The plugin requires a credentials file in order to connect to mijn.host, it should look like this
# credentials.ini
dns_mijnhost_api_key = "<mijn.host provided API key>"
File permissions should be 0600.
When requesting a certificate with certbot use:
certbot certonly -d <domain> -a dns-mijnhost --dns-mijnhost-credentials <credentials file path>
You can also specify -i apache
or -i nginx
to have to certificate automatically installed for the websites.
You can omit certonly -d <domain>
in that case, e.g.:
certbot -i nginx -a dns-mijnhost --dns-mijnhost-credentials <credentials file>
To work on this plugin:
git clone https://github.com/certbot/certbot
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-venv libaugeas0
If using ArchLinux, use this instead of apt:
sudo pacman -S python3-venv augeas
After installing run this to create a virtual environment:
cd certbot
python tools/venv.py
. venv/bin/activate (for activating virtual environment)
And point IDE (if applicable) to certbot/venv/bin/python3.12
To test plugin in certbot dev environment:
. certbot/venv/bin/activate
pip install -e dns_mijnhost/
certbot_test plugins
Dry-run test command:
certbot certonly -a dns-mijnhost --dns-mijnhost-credentials <credentials file path> -d bolkhuis.nl --dry-run --config-dir test/config --work-dir test/work --logs-dir test/logs
To build for deployment:
. certbot/venv/bin/activate
pip wheel dns_mijnhost/ --wheel-dir=releases/ --no-deps