I'm the Director of the Platform for The Linux Foundation, responsible for managing the LFX platform services, integrations, and overall execution. My primary role is a director/manager/technical lead, where I design/architect, implement, test/validate, deploy, and support the complete cradle-to-grave product design through production operations. I, directly and indirectly, manage a team of 20+ distributed multi-cultural engineers who support the products ranging from front-end developers to backend developers, design, quality assurance/testing, and documentation. My job duties involve interacting with internal and external stakeholders, performing demonstrations, interacting with vendors, and building large-scale integrations.
Some of my current tasks include:
- Datalake Product Lead - after successfully transitioning a legacy datalake to Snowflake, I now lead a team responsible for managing the datalake for The Linux Foundation. We have many internal and external customers leveraging the data models, a wildly diverse set of external systems, and numerous downstream consumers who rely on our data analytic products.
- managing internal data sources and integrations with external systems, such as Salesforce, HubSpot, GitHub, Snowflake (Data Wharehouse), Cision/Brandwatch/Google Analytics (Marketing Analytics), Cvent (Events), Sessionize (Speaker Proposals) and DocuSign (Contract/Legal).
- capturing product requirements and building solutions. Duties cover BizOps, CloudOps, Support, IT, and Products/Services.
- working on new onboarding automation workflows. This includes executing new workflows when events occur in our system (such as adding users to Slack, adding users to specific committees, and sending LFX platform invitations).
Historically, I've been a long-time backend Java developer. Within the past 5-6 years, I've picked up Golang and have used it extensively across all the Linux Foundation tools and products. More recently:
- I've started revisiting/relearning how neural networks (NN) and artificial intelligence (AI). Previously, in my career, I was exposed to and supported an NN project. I was always super curious, but never got to dive in deep. I'm now re-learning some of the core concepts by taking some Udemy training and reading the Deep Learning Illustrated book by Jon Krohn.
- I'm also learning (re-learning) more about the current Data Engineering trends, building out layers of data models to support (re-)usability/composition and testing, all to support constantly evolving business specifications.
- I'm tracking Rust's progress. I find the language interesting - especially the memory delegation model.
- I continue to use/leverage Python. You can never know enough Python, IMHO π§ .
- Streamline our functional API testing using Cypress automation testing (as part of our CI/CD pipelines)
- Although I'm a long-time Jetbrains IntelliJ user, I continue to evaluate the other IDEs with AI capabilities (IntelliJ + AI Assistant, VScode + CoPilot, Zed) :-)
- Living in San Diego
- Soccer/Football
- Electric Cars, Solar tech, renewable energy (I'm interested in the tech aspect of it)
I served six years in the US Navy as a crypto technician. I later transitioned to developing software (after working and going to school at night to get my degree) when the electronics job became "plug-and-play."