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Prisma Cloud IaC Scan #69

Prisma Cloud IaC Scan

Prisma Cloud IaC Scan #69

Workflow file for this run

# This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub.
# They are provided by a third-party and are governed by
# separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support
# documentation.
# A sample workflow that checks for security issues using
# the Prisma Cloud Infrastructure as Code Scan Action on
# the IaC files present in the repository.
# The results are uploaded to GitHub Security Code Scanning
# For more details on the Action configuration see
name: Prisma Cloud IaC Scan
branches: [ "master" ]
# The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
branches: [ "master" ]
- cron: '31 12 * * 6'
contents: read
contents: read # for actions/checkout to fetch code
security-events: write # for github/codeql-action/upload-sarif to upload SARIF results
actions: read # only required for a private repository by github/codeql-action/upload-sarif to get the Action run status
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Run Prisma Cloud IaC Scan to check
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- id: iac-scan
name: Run Scan on CFT files in the repository
uses: prisma-cloud-shiftleft/iac-scan-action@53278c231c438216d99b463308a3cbed351ba0c3
# You will need Prisma Cloud API Access Token
# More details in
prisma_api_url: ${{ secrets.PRISMA_CLOUD_API_URL }}
access_key: ${{ secrets.PRISMA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY }}
secret_key: ${{ secrets.PRISMA_CLOUD_SECRET_KEY }}
# Scan sources on Prisma Cloud are uniquely identified by their name
asset_name: 'my-asset-name'
# The service need to know the type of IaC being scanned
template_type: 'CFT'
- name: Upload SARIF file
uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2
# Results are generated only on a success or failure
# this is required since GitHub by default won't run the next step
# when the previous one has failed.
# And alternative it to add `continue-on-error: true` to the previous step
if: success() || failure()
# The SARIF Log file name is configurable on scan action
# therefore the file name is best read from the steps output
sarif_file: ${{ steps.iac-scan.outputs.iac_scan_result_sarif_path }}