An insomnia CBTi Chatbot by de Souza Institude and UW Management Engineering Capstone 2020
See under /src for code breakdown
The SleepWell chatbot is based off Dr. Sheila Garland's Sleeping Well Manual
Project is created with:
- React Native
- Android Studios
- XCode
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- React Native
- Please read above documentation carefully, it is a complete guide for all platforms (Mac, Windows, iOS and Android)
- From personal experience, running on Android emulator is easiest to set up (Pixel 3 API 27, Android 8.1 Oreo)
npm install
run on android:
$react-native run-android
run on ios:
$react-native run-ios
npm install
run this beforehand if that doesn't help:
$react-native run