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Single main script from daffyduck
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ddrous committed Jan 29, 2024
1 parent d4dd385 commit e81cf13
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Showing 2 changed files with 708 additions and 0 deletions.
353 changes: 353 additions & 0 deletions examples/lotka-voltera/
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@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
from nodax import *
# jax.config.update("jax_debug_nans", True)


## Hyperparams

seed = 1186

context_size = 1024
nb_epochs = 60000
nb_epochs_adapt = 250000

print_error_every = 1000

train = False
save_trainer = True

finetune = True
run_folder = "./runs/28012024-143659/" ## Only needed if not training

adapt = True


if train == True:

# check that 'tmp' folder exists. If not, create it
if not os.path.exists('./runs'):

# Make a new folder inside 'tmp' whose name is the current time
run_folder = './runs/'+time.strftime("%d%m%Y-%H%M%S")+'/'
# run_folder = "./runs/23012024-163033/"
print("Data folder created successfuly:", run_folder)

# Save the run and dataset scripts in that folder
script_name = os.path.basename(__file__)
os.system(f"cp {script_name} {run_folder}")
os.system(f"cp {run_folder}")

# Save the nodax module files as well
os.system(f"cp -r ../../nodax {run_folder}")
print("Completed copied scripts ")

# run_folder = "./runs/24012024-084802/" ## Needed for loading the model and finetuning TODO: opti
print("No training. Loading data and results from:", run_folder)

## Create a folder for the adaptation results
adapt_folder = run_folder+"adapt/"
if not os.path.exists(adapt_folder):


if train == True:
# Run the dataset script to generate the data
os.system(f'python --split=train --savepath="{run_folder}" --seed="{seed}"')
os.system(f'python --split=test --savepath="{run_folder}" --seed="{seed*2}"')

if adapt == True:
os.system(f'python --split=adapt --savepath="{adapt_folder}" --seed="{seed*3}"');


## Define dataloader for training
train_dataloader = DataLoader(run_folder+"train_data.npz", batch_size=4, int_cutoff=0.25, shuffle=True, key=seed)

nb_envs = train_dataloader.nb_envs
nb_trajs_per_env = train_dataloader.nb_trajs_per_env
nb_steps_per_traj = train_dataloader.nb_steps_per_traj
data_size = train_dataloader.data_size


## Define model and loss function for the learner

activation = jax.nn.softplus
# activation = jax.nn.swish

class Physics(eqx.Module):
layers: list

def __init__(self, width_size=8, key=None):
keys = generate_new_keys(key, num=4)
self.layers = [eqx.nn.Linear(context_size, width_size*2, key=keys[0]), activation,
eqx.nn.Linear(width_size*2, width_size*2, key=keys[1]), activation,
eqx.nn.Linear(width_size*2, width_size, key=keys[2]), activation,
eqx.nn.Linear(width_size, 4, key=keys[3])]

def __call__(self, t, x, ctx):
params = ctx
for layer in self.layers:
params = layer(params)
params = jnp.abs(params)

dx0 = x[0]*params[0] - x[0]*x[1]*params[1]
dx1 = x[0]*x[1]*params[3] - x[1]*params[2]
return jnp.array([dx0, dx1])

class Augmentation(eqx.Module):
layers_data: list
layers_context: list
layers_shared: list

def __init__(self, data_size, width_size, depth, context_size, key=None):
keys = generate_new_keys(key, num=12)
self.layers_data = [eqx.nn.Linear(data_size, width_size, key=keys[0]), activation,
eqx.nn.Linear(width_size, width_size, key=keys[10]), activation,
eqx.nn.Linear(width_size, width_size, key=keys[1]), activation,
eqx.nn.Linear(width_size, width_size, key=keys[2])]

self.layers_context = [eqx.nn.Linear(context_size, context_size//4, key=keys[3]), activation,
eqx.nn.Linear(context_size//4, width_size, key=keys[11]), activation,
eqx.nn.Linear(width_size, width_size, key=keys[4]), activation,
eqx.nn.Linear(width_size, width_size, key=keys[5])]

self.layers_shared = [eqx.nn.Linear(width_size+width_size, width_size, key=keys[6]), activation,
eqx.nn.Linear(width_size, width_size, key=keys[7]), activation,
eqx.nn.Linear(width_size, width_size, key=keys[8]), activation,
eqx.nn.Linear(width_size, data_size, key=keys[9])]

def __call__(self, t, x, ctx):
y = x
ctx = ctx
for i in range(len(self.layers_data)):
y = self.layers_data[i](y)
ctx = self.layers_context[i](ctx)

y = jnp.concatenate([y, ctx], axis=0)
for layer in self.layers_shared:
y = layer(y)
return y

class ContextFlowVectorField(eqx.Module):
physics: eqx.Module
augmentation: eqx.Module

def __init__(self, augmentation, physics=None):
self.augmentation = augmentation
self.physics = physics if physics is not None else NoPhysics()

def __call__(self, t, x, ctx, ctx_):

vf = lambda xi_: self.physics(t, x, xi_) + self.augmentation(t, x, xi_)
gradvf = lambda xi_, xi: eqx.filter_jvp(vf, (xi_,), (xi-xi_,))[1]

return vf(ctx_) + gradvf(ctx_, ctx)
# return vf(ctx)

# physics = Physics(key=seed)
physics = None

augmentation = Augmentation(data_size=2, width_size=64, depth=4, context_size=context_size, key=seed)

vectorfield = ContextFlowVectorField(augmentation, physics=physics)

contexts = ContextParams(nb_envs, context_size, key=None)

# integrator = diffrax.Tsit5() ## Has to conform to my API
integrator = rk4_integrator

# loss_fn_ctx = basic_loss_fn_ctx
# loss_fn_ctx = default_loss_fn_ctx

## Define a custom loss function here
def loss_fn_ctx(model, trajs, t_eval, ctx, alpha, beta, ctx_, key):

trajs_hat, nb_steps = jax.vmap(model, in_axes=(None, None, None, 0))(trajs[:, 0, :], t_eval, ctx, ctx_)
new_trajs = jnp.broadcast_to(trajs, trajs_hat.shape)

term1 = jnp.mean((new_trajs-trajs_hat)**2) ## reconstruction
# term1 = jnp.mean(jnp.abs(new_trajs-trajs_hat)) ## reconstruction

# term2 = 1e-3*jnp.mean((ctx)**2) ## regularisation
term2 = 1e-3*jnp.mean(jnp.abs(ctx)) ## regularisation

loss_val = term1+term2

return loss_val, (jnp.sum(nb_steps)/ctx_.shape[0], term1, term2)

learner = Learner(vectorfield, contexts, loss_fn_ctx, integrator, key=seed)


## Define optimiser and traine the model

nb_train_steps = nb_epochs * 10
sched_node = optax.piecewise_constant_schedule(init_value=3e-4,
# sched_node = 1e-3
# sched_node = optax.exponential_decay(3e-3, nb_epochs*2, 0.99)

sched_ctx = optax.piecewise_constant_schedule(init_value=3e-4,
# sched_ctx = 1e-3

opt_node = optax.adabelief(sched_node)
opt_ctx = optax.adabelief(sched_ctx)

trainer = Trainer(train_dataloader, learner, (opt_node, opt_ctx), key=seed)


trainer_save_path = run_folder if save_trainer == True else False
if train == True:
# for propostion in [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]:
for i, prop in enumerate(np.linspace(0.25, 1.0, 2)):
# for i, prop in enumerate([1]):
trainer.dataloader.int_cutoff = int(prop*nb_steps_per_traj)
# nb_epochs = nb_epochs // 2 if nb_epochs > 1000 else 1000
trainer.train(nb_epochs=nb_epochs*(10**i), print_error_every=print_error_every*(10**i), update_context_every=1, save_path=trainer_save_path, key=seed)

# print("\nNo training, attempting to load model and results from "+ run_folder +" folder ...\n")

restore_folder = run_folder
# restore_folder = "./runs/26012024-092626/finetune_230335/"


if finetune:
# ## Finetune a trained model

finetunedir = run_folder+"finetune_"+trainer.dataloader.data_id+"/"
if not os.path.exists(finetunedir):
print("No training. Loading and finetuning into:", finetunedir)

trainer.dataloader.int_cutoff = nb_steps_per_traj

opt_node = optax.adabelief(3e-4*0.1*0.1*0.2)
opt_ctx = optax.adabelief(3e-4*0.1*0.1*0.2)
trainer.opt_node, trainer.opt_ctx = opt_node, opt_ctx

trainer.train(nb_epochs=340000, print_error_every=1000, update_context_every=1, save_path=finetunedir, key=seed)


## Test and visualise the results on a test dataloader

test_dataloader = DataLoader(run_folder+"test_data.npz", shuffle=False)

visualtester = VisualTester(trainer)
# ans = visualtester.trainer.nb_steps_node
# print(ans.shape)

ind_crit = visualtester.test(test_dataloader, int_cutoff=1.0)

if finetune:
savefigdir = finetunedir+"results_in_domain.png"
savefigdir = run_folder+"results_in_domain.png"
visualtester.visualize(test_dataloader, int_cutoff=1.0, save_path=savefigdir);

# len(trainer.losses_node

# ## Run and get the contexts
# for i in range(nb_envs):
# ctx = trainer.learner.contexts.params[i]
# # print(ctx)
# param = ctx
# for layer in trainer.learner.physics.layers_context:
# param = layer(param)
# # print("Context", ctx, " Param", param)
# param = jnp.abs(param)
# print("Param:", param)


## Give the dataloader an id to help with restoration later on

adapt_dataloader = DataLoader(adapt_folder+"adapt_data.npz", adaptation=True, data_id="170846", key=seed)

sched_ctx_new = optax.piecewise_constant_schedule(init_value=3e-4,
opt_adapt = optax.adabelief(sched_ctx_new)

if adapt == True:
trainer.adapt(adapt_dataloader, nb_epochs=nb_epochs_adapt, optimizer=opt_adapt, print_error_every=print_error_every, save_path=adapt_folder)
print("save_id:", adapt_dataloader.data_id)
trainer.restore_adapted_trainer(path=adapt_folder, data_loader=adapt_dataloader)

ood_crit = visualtester.test(adapt_dataloader, int_cutoff=1.0) ## It's the same visualtester as before during training. It knows trainer

visualtester.visualize(adapt_dataloader, int_cutoff=1.0, save_path=adapt_folder+"results_ood.png");


# eqx.tree_deserialise_leaves(run_folder+"contexts.eqx", learner.contexts)

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