This demo simulates the interaction between WAVE client and enclave.
Sample code taken from the Intel SGX remote attestation example and RSA-Library
- "network_ra.cpp" simulates network communication between the enclave app (ISV app) and the client/challenger.
- "client.cpp" simulates the client/challenger. Many security features (such as enrollment and message verification) are not implemented and are left for production. These are pointed out in the comments of the sample app.
- "isv_app.cpp" simulates the enclave app (ISV app). Some features are not fully implemented to production standards
- Have client generate MRENCLAVE value for enclave measurement comparison
- Seal the Enclave's private key (can use Time based/Replay protected methods for better security)
$ sgx_sign sign -key isv_enclave/isv_enclave_private.pem -enclave -out -config isv_enclave/isv_enclave.config.xml